Notícias da Armada Espanhola

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Re: Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2115 em: Dezembro 31, 2019, 06:56:24 am »
Izado de bandera dando comienzo a la campaña en la Antártida:

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Re: Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2116 em: Janeiro 09, 2020, 08:56:39 pm »
General Dynamics European Land Systems-Santa Bárbara Sistemas (GDELS-SBS) is set to continue looking for ways to win the contract for Spain’s new 8×8 Dragon infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), although the project is insufficiently funded, according to a company source.




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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2117 em: Janeiro 21, 2020, 07:45:01 am »
Armada y Ejército del Aire interesados en el SeaGuardian de General Atomics

La compañía estadounidense General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc (GA-ASI) concluyó recientemente una serie de pruebas de su sistema aéreo no tripulado MQ-9 SeaGuardian en aguas de Grecia, donde acudieron representantes de varias fuerzas armadas europeas. A mediados de diciembre informamos que tendrían lugar pruebas similares en nuestro país, sin embargo, estas se desarrollaron en Grecia, acudiendo representantes de la Armada y del Ejército del Aire como nos confirmaron desde GA-ASI.

Representantes de Armada y Ejército del Aire español en las pruebas del MQ-9 SeaGuardian, versión navalizada del MQ-9 Reaper

Estas pruebas tenían por objetivo evaluar los sistemas diseñados por GA-ASI para desarrollar misiones de patrulla marítima dado el interés de varios países europeos.  Se probó no solo la aeronave, la versión navalizada del conocido MQ-9 Reaper, sino también el sistema de navegación en tráfico aéreo civil del tipo Detect and Avoid (DAA) desarrollado por GA-ASI. Este está formado por un radar aire-aire con capacidades de alerta de tráfico y de colisiones (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems) del tipo TCAS II y transmisión de datos de vigilancia (Automatic Dependet Surveillance-Broadcast o ADS-B).

Durante las pruebas se demostró la capacidad de los sistemas de radar y vídeo para detectar e identificar embarcaciones de superficie de pequeño y gran tamaño en diferentes condiciones de mar, a largas distancias e independientemente del rumbo de la aeronave. El Guardian cuenta con un radar naval SeaVue de Raytheon que puede monitorizar de forma continua objetivos navales y emplear el sistema AIS de identificación de buques. Incluso el modo ISAR o de SAR inverso permite identificar el tipo de buques más allá del alcance de los sistemas electrópticos.

En las pruebas participaron la Fuerza Aérea Griega y los Guardacostas de dicho país, operando desde la base aérea de Larissa. Desde esta ubicación se realizaron durante diez días demostraciones de las capacidades de este sistema para realizar misiones de patrulla marítima, búsqueda y rescate, vigilancia de fronteras y de la zona de exclusividad económica,

España adquirió el sistema Predator B o Reaper Block 5 de GA-ASI, del que llegó el primer aparato recientemente
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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2118 em: Fevereiro 11, 2020, 10:10:47 am »
Spain seen joining Greece, France, Italy on European Patrol Corvette program

By: Tom Kington    3 days ago

ROME – Plans by Italy and France to win European Union funding for the construction of a new corvette have been boosted as Spain looks set to follow Greece and sign up to the program.

The planning for a new 3,000 ton corvette is a cornerstone of the new naval joint venture between Italy’s Fincantieri and France’s Naval Group which was launched last year and named Naviris.

The two firms are hoping to match Italian and French navy requirements with a jointly built, modular vessel that can handle patrol and surveillance missions as well as taking second-tier roles in anti-submarine and anti-surface missions.

The program, dubbed the European Patrol Corvette, has also been inserted in the EU’s so-called Permanent Structured Cooperation, or PESCO, list of recommended pan-European defense programs, which according the EU offers members “options on how to plan and bridge capability gaps in a collaborative manner.”

The PESCO corvette project is coordinated by Italy, with France as partner, but in recent weeks, Greece has also joined as a partner, following discussions between the countries’ navies. And now Spain is likely to follow, an industrial source told Defense News.

“Naviris presented the program to Spain’s Navantia which is interested and it is likely Spain will sign up,” said the source.

On its PESCO listing for the corvette, the EU states “the objective is to design and develop a prototype for a new class of military ship, named “European Patrol Corvette” (EPC), which can host several systems and payloads, in order to accomplish, with a modular and flexible approach, a large number of tasks and missions.”

Adding new partners to the roster of Italy and France is key to winning EU funding. PESCO programs are possible candidates for cash from the European Defence Fund, but only if they have more than two partners on board.

“The corvette is the only naval program on the PESCO list and it should be a priority,” said the source.

Naviris expects the EU fund to issue a Request for Proposal for projects this year, with proposals to then be submitted by industry in 2021, and for decisions on fund allocation to be made the same year.

The source said that if the corvette program gets EU part-funding, it would help sustain the development of the ship’s modularity, allowing it to serve different functions for different navies. “It would have a very open architecture, as well as having a basic and enhanced version,” he said.

Apart from the boost given the program by potential EU funding, the corvette remains a requirement for Italy and France. Rome needs to replace Cassiopea- and Minerva-class vessels being phased out as well as aging Commandante-class vessels.

France is looking to substitute its Floréal-class vessels.

“Italy might need eight corvettes and France is looking to substitute six ships. They both have a need, so the EU funding would be an added opportunity that could create a bandwagon effect with other navies,” said the source.

As Naviris picks up steam, Naval Group CEO Hervé Guillou has said the industrial alliance is open to new partners joining, but so far Germany seems to be uninterested.

Addressing the economic affairs committee of the French Senate on Jan. 28, Guillou said he had visited Berlin the week before to sound out German interest but got little response.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2119 em: Fevereiro 11, 2020, 11:44:08 am »
Yo sinceramente no veo la necesidad ni la utilidad de corbetas para la Armada Española, para conflictos B, piratería, patrullas, etc....los BAM, para todo lo demás F100/F110, en medio nada.
Detrás de esto está el movimiento para hacer un "Airbus" naval europeo uniendo los astilleros franceses, italianos, españoles y holandeses.....pero ahí al igual que Airbus sufren los mas pequeñ interesa a Navantia esa unión.
A España servir hasta morir
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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2120 em: Fevereiro 11, 2020, 12:23:48 pm »
Concordo com essa análise.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2121 em: Abril 09, 2020, 05:19:40 pm »
Entregadas las 4 primeras Zodiacs semirrigidas a la Armada

En concreto 4 del modelo Zodiac Hurricane con motor Volovo Penta interno.

Son las 4 primeras de un pedido de 24

A España servir hasta morir



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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2122 em: Abril 23, 2020, 07:04:36 am »
Adquisición de materiales para los AEGIS de las fragatas F-110;

Lockheed Martin Corp., Rotary and Mission Systems, Moorestown, New Jersey, was awarded a $519,063,283 cost-plus-incentive-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee undefinitized contract for the procurement of international Aegis fire control loop development, Solid State S-Band Radar Processing Group, tools and test equipment and spares for five new multi-mission frigates supporting the Aegis combat system (Baseline 9C.2). Work will be performed in Moorestown, New Jersey (72%); Verona, Wisconsin (6%); Mt. Laurel, New Jersey (5%); Ferrol, Spain (6%); Andover, Massachusetts (3%); Washington, District of Columbia (2%); Pleasanton, California (2%); Sunnyvale, California (1%); Rota, Spain (1%); Herndon, Virginia (1%); and Clearwater, Florida (1%), and is expected to be complete by April 2030. This contract involves Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to the Kingdom of Spain. FMS funding in the amount of $90,702,286 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured in accordance with the authority from 10 U.S. Code 2304(c)(4) (international agreement). The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity (N00024-20-C-5105). (Awarded April 17, 2020)
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"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2124 em: Maio 12, 2020, 12:16:41 pm »
Spain officially joins European Patrol Corvette (EPC) program

Spain’s application to participate in the EPC program has been officially approved, announced on 11th May. According to the defence experts, Spain’s application for the France-Italy led program was a bit surprising because they have Meteoro-class offshore patrol vessels built by Navantia, but for sure, it’s not a corvette.

Greece has already joined the EPC program, Bulgaria and Portugal are considering to join.

The project is one of many being supported by an EU initiative called “Permanent Structured Cooperation” (PESCO) that is to be supported by the entire EU community. It sounds like this may be heading toward a shipbuilding version of Airbus.

The European Patrol Corvette (EPC) program aims to design and develop a prototype of a reduced-capacity combatant with a displacement of 3,000 tons, a draft of less than five meters and a modular approach, based on different configurations.

Navantia has had contacts at the industrial level since the beginning of the year to enter the program with the Fincantieri -Italy- and Naval Group -France- shipyards, respectively. These two shipbuilders have recently created a joint venture, Naviris, which would be launched with this project.

Fincantieri and Naval Group are the main contractors, with the coordinator being the first. The goal is for this to be the first Naviris project, which will also carry out R&D projects financed by the respective Defense Ministers of Italy and France.

There are three possible configurations;

a corvette optimized in anti-submarine warfare,
a light frigate with anti-air and anti-submarine capabilities
Offshore patrol vessel
The ship will have a displacement of 3,000t, a draft of less than 5m and the design will allow adjustments to meet different requirements.

The project is supported by the navies of France and Italy. The French Navy intends to replace six ships of the Floreal class and the Italian Navy wants to replace eight ships – four of the Cassiopeia class and four of the Commander class. France plans to build nine or eleven ships while Italy intends to build eight. The first class would be Italian, with a date of entry into service in 2027. While the first of the French variant is aimed to be delivered in 2030.

First corvette is aimed to be delivered to the Italian Navy in 2027

« Última modificação: Maio 12, 2020, 12:18:34 pm por Cabeça de Martelo »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2125 em: Maio 12, 2020, 02:49:36 pm »
Esse projecto é pensado para operar principalmente no Mediterrâneo ou no Atlântico?

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."


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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2126 em: Maio 12, 2020, 03:37:10 pm »
Vão ser usados no Mediterrâneo, no Atlântico e no Pacifico (regiões ultramarinas Francesas).
« Última modificação: Maio 12, 2020, 03:38:34 pm por Cabeça de Martelo »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2127 em: Maio 12, 2020, 09:15:25 pm »
Spain officially joins European Patrol Corvette (EPC) program

Spain’s application to participate in the EPC program has been officially approved, announced on 11th May. According to the defence experts, Spain’s application for the France-Italy led program was a bit surprising because they have Meteoro-class offshore patrol vessels built by Navantia, but for sure, it’s not a corvette.

Greece has already joined the EPC program, Bulgaria and Portugal are considering to join.

The project is one of many being supported by an EU initiative called “Permanent Structured Cooperation” (PESCO) that is to be supported by the entire EU community. It sounds like this may be heading toward a shipbuilding version of Airbus.

The European Patrol Corvette (EPC) program aims to design and develop a prototype of a reduced-capacity combatant with a displacement of 3,000 tons, a draft of less than five meters and a modular approach, based on different configurations.

Navantia has had contacts at the industrial level since the beginning of the year to enter the program with the Fincantieri -Italy- and Naval Group -France- shipyards, respectively. These two shipbuilders have recently created a joint venture, Naviris, which would be launched with this project.

Fincantieri and Naval Group are the main contractors, with the coordinator being the first. The goal is for this to be the first Naviris project, which will also carry out R&D projects financed by the respective Defense Ministers of Italy and France.

There are three possible configurations;

a corvette optimized in anti-submarine warfare,
a light frigate with anti-air and anti-submarine capabilities
Offshore patrol vessel
The ship will have a displacement of 3,000t, a draft of less than 5m and the design will allow adjustments to meet different requirements.

The project is supported by the navies of France and Italy. The French Navy intends to replace six ships of the Floreal class and the Italian Navy wants to replace eight ships – four of the Cassiopeia class and four of the Commander class. France plans to build nine or eleven ships while Italy intends to build eight. The first class would be Italian, with a date of entry into service in 2027. While the first of the French variant is aimed to be delivered in 2030.

First corvette is aimed to be delivered to the Italian Navy in 2027

Es evidente que el gobierno español no me hace caso, en mi opinión han primado mas los intereses industriales de no quedarse atrás en ese futuro "Airbus naval" que se avecina que necesidades reales de la Armada Española.

España va a fabricar 6 de esas corbetas para reemplazar a los 4 patrulleros clase Serviola y a los 2 patrulleros ex-corbetas clase Descubierta aun en servicio:

Clase Serviola

Clase Descubierta

Mi opinión es que saldrán caras como semen de unicornio....ojalá me equivoque.

A España servir hasta morir
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Cabeça de Martelo



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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2128 em: Maio 12, 2020, 09:19:29 pm »
Buen vídeo sobre las F110

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Re: Notícias da Armada Espanhola
« Responder #2129 em: Junho 05, 2020, 07:11:51 am »
El S-80 será capaz de realizar patrullas bajo el agua durante 15 días

El novedoso sistema de propulsión independiente del aire (AIP) del submarino S-80 de la Armada española permitirá llevar a cabo misiones de patrulla a lo largo de dos semanas, sin que sea necesario emerger a la superficie para recargar las baterías. 

La Armada española, como usuario del buque, y la Dirección General de Armamento y Material (DGAM), responsable de la gestión del programa, coincidieron este jueves en un webinar sobre el submarino S-80, organizado por IDS Connect, en que el sistema AIP representan un salto muy importante, dotando al buque de una gran discreción, y confirmaron que podrá operar bajo el agua durante 15 días.

El jefe del programa en la DGAM, capitán de navío Francisco Javier del Corral, apuntó que el sistema proporciona "la capacidad de cargar las baterías sin subir a cota snorkel". Por su parte, el jefe de la sección de submarinos de la División Logística de la Armada, capitán de navío Alejandro Cuerda, destacó que el buque "podrá permanecer hasta 15 días en patrulla, sin necesidad de asomar la gaita, para recarga de baterías (…) nos aproximamos a los nucleares".

Cuerda explicó en su intervención que “hoy en día, un submarino detectado es un submarino hundido. Los submarinos convencionales se convierten en muy vulnerables cuando tiene que subir a ras de agua para asomar el snorkel, y que entre aire para poder hacer carga de baterías a través de los diésel generadores”. En el S-80, resaltó, "el AIP, basado en un sistema de pila de combustible, donde el hidrógeno y el oxigeno se combinan para producir energía eléctrica, permitirá cargar baterías a cualquier profundidad, mejorando la discreción".

El representante de la Armada incidió en la mejora respecto a la serie S-70. "No cabe duda que con la llegada del S-80 se produce un salto en capacidades. España vuelve a jugar en la categoría superior de la guerra naval submarina". Y subrayó: "No tiene precedentes, existen AIP, pero ninguna de estas características para un submarino de 3.000 toneladas".

El seminario web también contó con la participación del jefe de ingeniería del astillero de Navantia en Cartagena, Germán Romero. "Este sistema es rompedor en el mercado internacional, supone superar el reto del reformado de bioetanol y nos pone a la vanguardia de sistemas AIP en el mercado de submarinos. Dotará al submarino de gran autonomía en inversión y está diseñado para un mínimo mantenimiento de componentes principales entre grandes carenas", remarcó Romero.

Navantia, explicó, cuenta con unas instalaciones en tierra en su centro de Cartagena para probar los equipos del sistema AIP por separado o integrados en la sección real del submarino y simular el entorno operativo. También servirá para resolver averías que se puedan producir durante el ciclo de vida del submarino y adiestrar a las tripulaciones.
A España servir hasta morir