2A8 pode estar a caminho, serão construídos de raiz e uma encomenda alemã de 18 será submetida ao Parlamento
Republica Checa, Itália, Suécia e Lituânia potenciais compradores
Primeiras entregas esperadas por 2025
"Technically, according to the information available to ESuT, the Leopard 2 A8 is a new
main battle tank, which is based on the A7HU version for the Hungarian armed forces
and will reach a combat weight close to 70 tons. The largely unchanged engine is
adapted to the mobility requirements via the differently offset side panel, as it is known
from the A7V. The protection in the tub area remains unchanged; whether increased mine
protection (as with the A6M) will be realized, is not known. The installation of a power
supply independent of the main engine with at least 20 kW continuous power as well as
ultracaps to stabilize the power grid seems certain.
The most significant change in the tower will be the integration of a new version of the
Trophy stand-off protection system. In addition, the tower roof is to receive bomblet
protection. The fully digital fire control system and reconnaissance and target optics with
day and night vision channels for commanders and gunners are based on the solutions
selected for the Hungarian Leopard 2 A7HU main battle tanks. In addition, there is an allround view with fused optical and thermal imaging. This is intended to improve situational
awareness, especially for the driver's vehicle driver, but also for all crew members. The
weapon system with a 120mm/L55A1 tube is designed for the firing of programmable HE
ammunition and KE ammunition of the latest design. A remote-controlled weapon station
will probably not be installed."
Tentaria genuinamente uma compra, financiada ao máximo possível pelos muricans e alemães em conjunto, em troca de uma entrega rápida de mais 30 dos nossos Leos á Ucrânia, e ficaria com 4 para treino e etc
Mas claro isto se fosse eu a ter controlo
(António Costa se estás a ler isto estou livre, e sou baratinho, não é preciso muito mais do que salário mínimo)