Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?

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слава Україна!
“Putin’s failing Ukraine invasion proves Russia is no superpower"
The Only Good Fascist Is a Dead Fascist
Trump é o novo Neville Chamberlain, mas com o intelecto de quem não conseguiu completar a 4a classe.


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #962 em: Fevereiro 05, 2025, 11:42:33 am »
Like it or not, the rules-based order is no more
In Trump’s world, it does little good to use the language of treaties or rules or laws. For Denmark and others to get their way, they’ll have to speak the language of power.

Mette Frederiksen acknowledged that the U.S. has a “big interest” in Greenland. | Maja Hitij/Getty Images
From Across the Pond

February 5, 2025
By Ivo Daalder

Ivo Daalder, former U.S. ambassador to NATO, is CEO of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and host of the weekly podcast “World Review with Ivo Daalder.” He writes POLITICO’s Across the Pond column.

A few weeks ago, when Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen spoke with soon-to-be U.S. President Donald Trump about his insistence on making Greenland part of America, the phone call didn’t go well.

She understood America’s defense concerns, but Greenland wasn’t for sale, she said. Trump was having none of it.

The call between these two equally obdurate leaders not only revealed a clash of interests but a clash of realities: Frederiksen’s reality is the rules-based order, a world where nations are expected to abide by treaties, rules and norms. Whereas Trump’s reality is the world of power politics, where the strong do as they will and the weak — even allied nations — do as they must.

Until that phone call, most had dismissed Trump’s musings about Greenland (and the Panama Canal) as bluster and tough talk meant to set the stage for negotiations. No one took the idea of the U.S. seizing the territory of an ally by force seriously.

But that was a big mistake. This time around, Trump is serious, and he’s no longer surrounded by his former aides whose job it was to steer him away from crazy ideas. Rather, his current cadre is a team of loyalists, who see it as their job to implement whatever their leader wants — and what he wants is Greenland.

“For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World,” Trump wrote last December, “the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity.” And unlike his first term, he’ll stop at nothing to get it. “I’m not going to commit to that,” he said when asked if he’d rule out using force. “We need Greenland for national security purposes.”

His new aides have gotten the message too. “This is not a joke,” Secretary of State Marco Rubio said last week. “This is not about acquiring land for the purpose of acquiring land. This is in our national interest.”

Even John Bolton, Trump’s former national security advisor who worked to deflect the president when he first raised the idea of buying Greenland in 2019, now agrees. Pointing to China’s interest in becoming an Arctic power and the Northwest passage becoming a viable shipping route because of climate change, “Greenland is intimately connected with our security,” he told the Free Press. “So given Greenland’s geographic proximity to the United States, it’s obviously a strategic interest.”

The Danish government doesn’t disagree. Frederiksen acknowledged that the U.S. has a “big interest” in Greenland and offered “a very, very close cooperation with the U.S.” The country then announced a major increase in defense spending to protect Western interest on the island, and was open to discussing other ways of cooperation to promote joint security.

The Danish government has essentially approached the issue from the perspective of a staunch American ally — one that has significantly increased defense spending, lost more troops per capita in Afghanistan than any other country, and contributed more to Ukraine’s defense as a percentage of GDP than all but one other country.

It’s an approach that assumes countries, especially allies, play by agreed rules and standards, abide by existing treaties and are friendly. In this view, borders are inviolable and can’t be changed by force, and disagreements are settled through diplomacy.

But while this may be Denmark’s version of reality, it certainly isn’t Trump’s.

Trump doesn’t see laws, rules and norms as constraints on behavior. This is a man who has spent most of his life battling people in court, and he sees life as a zero-sum game of winners and losers. He’s a former president who refused to accept he lost a free and fair election, and called every effort to bring him to account a “witch hunt.”

Today, he is a president who signed a plethora of executive orders in his first two weeks, intending to upend not just existing laws and regulations but core constitutional principles — principles like Congress’s power of the purse, the president’s obligation to faithfully execute laws and even the traditional basis of U.S. citizenship.

In Trump’s world, treaties and norms are simply irrelevant. He’ll break trade agreements to impose tariffs on neighboring states, take back a canal in Panama that was built and formerly operated by the U.S., and likely ignore security commitments enshrined in treaties for 75 years or more. He’ll also make sure the U.S. gets Greenland.

The only language Trump understands is that of power. It does little good to use the language of rules or laws in his world. And for Denmark or others to get their way, they’ll have to speak the language of power.

The return of power politics thus requires Denmark and other European allies to reduce their reliance on the U.S. and increase the cost of unacceptable behavior. Greenland may be hard to defend if Trump is willing to use military force, but deploying troops and bringing in allies would force the White House to think twice. The same is true in response to tariffs and other trade measures the U.S. president has threatened too.

Like it or not, with Trump in office, the rules-based order is no more.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #963 em: Fevereiro 05, 2025, 04:41:07 pm »
“Moscow welcomes Trump's words about the mistake of drawing Ukraine into NATO” — Lavrov

"For the first time, a Western leader, not just a Western leader, but the leader of the United States, the leader of the entire Western world, has said these words”

"Non c'è due senza tre"



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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #964 em: Fevereiro 05, 2025, 10:38:04 pm »

Primeiro não acreditei.
Depois também ouvi isto no podcast do The Telegraph
Depois fui verificar...

Donald Trump vangloriou-se por as recentes ações do oligarca sul africano Ellon Musk contra a "USAid" terem cancelado um programa de milhões para enviar preservativos para a faixa de Gaza.

A Fox News do oligarca australiano Murdoch, pegou no caso e automaticamente afirmou que os preservativos eram para o Hamas fazer bombas.
Logo, é uma grande vitória, deixar de subsidiar os preservativos que eram utilizados como bombas pelos terroristas do Hamas...  :o

Agora, sabe-se que havia um programa que realmente incluia o envio de preservativos para Gaza ...  :o :o :o

O problema, é que faziam parte de um programa de planeamento familiar, a implementar na província moçambicana de Gaza...  :o  :o  :o

Falar sem verificar, sem procurar confirmar dá nisto.
Neste caso, os inventores da notícia foram apanhados no ato, embora isso não seja problema, porque as mentiras tornaram-se numa coisa tão corriqueira, que agora a verdade passou a ser uma coisa politicamente correta ...  :mrgreen:

O que conta são as mentiras bem contadas, as petas bem metidas, e de preferência sem nenhum Zé que tem a mania que é esperto, a fazer perguntas chatas, ou a tentar verificar alguma coisa ...

Vivam os «Factos alternativos»

É muito mais fácil enganar uma pessoa, que explicar-lhe que foi enganada ...
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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #965 em: Fevereiro 05, 2025, 11:45:20 pm »
Trumpinho sudaca:

En línea con Trump, Milei ordenó que la Argentina se retire de la Organización Mundial de la Salud

Próximos passos: retirar-se do Acordo de Paris - o que seria 'ótimo' para o (des)acordo Mercosul-UE... não que a ele importe muito, visto que já declarou também a intenção de sair do bloco.

"Non c'è due senza tre"
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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #966 em: Fevereiro 06, 2025, 10:14:36 am »
Agora são as organizações "privadas" neo-conas do Bill Kristol que recebiam financiamento da USAID para sustentar oposição "bi-partidária" ao Trump.
Portanto, temos a mulher do Cass Sunstein a patrocinar o "conservador" Bill Kristol.
Faz sentido.
Oy vey se faz!
Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...



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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #967 em: Fevereiro 08, 2025, 05:49:27 pm »

слава Україна!
“Putin’s failing Ukraine invasion proves Russia is no superpower"
The Only Good Fascist Is a Dead Fascist
Trump é o novo Neville Chamberlain, mas com o intelecto de quem não conseguiu completar a 4a classe.



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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #968 em: Fevereiro 10, 2025, 06:20:03 am »
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #969 em: Fevereiro 10, 2025, 10:45:25 am »

Two reasons why fraudulent SSN’s were provided to illegals by Democrats.

A: 10,000 illegals using the same exact Social Security number voted in Arizona 2020 presidential elections.

B: The reason the radical Democrats don’t want an audit of social security fraud is because they’re scamming off a 1.7 trillion dollar slut fund. It’s BEYOND MASSIVE.

Tomorrow, in other news:

"USAID financed PT "think thank" headed by pápatèéngou"

Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: P44



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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #970 em: Fevereiro 10, 2025, 05:11:21 pm »

Two reasons why fraudulent SSN’s were provided to illegals by Democrats.

A: 10,000 illegals using the same exact Social Security number voted in Arizona 2020 presidential elections.

B: The reason the radical Democrats don’t want an audit of social security fraud is because they’re scamming off a 1.7 trillion dollar slut fund. It’s BEYOND MASSIVE.

Tomorrow, in other news:

"USAID financed PT "think thank" headed by pápatèéngou"

Eishhhh ainda vai ser citado pelo Mark Rubio  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Continuando o trabalho benemérito de "erradicação da pobreza":

  USAID funded millions of dollars to countries for LGBT groups and their activism - a topic that Mr Trump is trying to discard from the US.

The funds include: $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid "binary-gendered language",  $2 million for sex changes and LGBT activism in Guatemala, $1.1 million to an Armenian LGBT group, $1.5 million to promote LGBT advocacy in Jamaica, $2 million to promote LGBT equality through entrepreneurship in Latin America, $3.9 million for LGBT causes in the Western Balkans, $5.5 million for LGBT activism in Uganda, $6 million for advancing LGBT issues in priority countries around the world, and $6.3 million for men who have sex with men in South Africa.

Apart from this, USAID has funded $25 million for Deloitte to promote "green transportation" in Georgia, $6 million to transform digital spaces to reflect feminist democratic principles, $1.3 million to Arab and Jewish photographers, and $8.3 million for "USAID Education: Equity and Inclusion", the Trump administration said.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #971 em: Fevereiro 11, 2025, 04:25:06 am »
Na MAGAlândia a corrupção e a criminalidade compensam..
слава Україна!
“Putin’s failing Ukraine invasion proves Russia is no superpower"
The Only Good Fascist Is a Dead Fascist
Trump é o novo Neville Chamberlain, mas com o intelecto de quem não conseguiu completar a 4a classe.



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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #972 em: Fevereiro 12, 2025, 02:05:38 pm »
Eu prefiro estas coisas:

Family and early life
Anna Paulina Mayerhofer was born in 1989 to George Mayerhofer and Monica Todd, an elementary school teacher and stay-at-home mother, in Santa Ana, California.[2][3] She was raised as a Messianic Jew by her father.[4][5]
« Última modificação: Fevereiro 12, 2025, 02:10:09 pm por Luso »
Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...



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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #973 em: Fevereiro 12, 2025, 07:27:54 pm »
Citação de: P44
USAID funded millions of dollars to countries for LGBT groups and their activism - a topic that Mr Trump is trying to discard from the US.

Peço desculpa pela minha falta de conhecimento sobre estes temas, mas isto tem alguma coisa a ver com o financiamento do principal apoiante de Trump, à fessureira nazi da Alemanha ?

Fico portanto com a ideia de que há algumas diferenças entre os marico-fascistas e os LGBT's ?

Será isso ? ? ?  :conf: :conf: :conf: :conf:

Terá alguma coisa a ver com os maricas bons e os maricas maus de que fala o desmariconizado vice-presidente americano ?

Os meus agradecimentos antecipados aos especialistas nestes assuntos
É muito mais fácil enganar uma pessoa, que explicar-lhe que foi enganada ...



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Re: Estarão os EUA a ficar para trás?
« Responder #974 em: Fevereiro 13, 2025, 12:26:46 am »
Carago que o Einsatzgruppen Tótótenkopf não larga o osso, a obsessão é tal...  :mrgreen:
« Última modificação: Fevereiro 13, 2025, 12:49:55 am por Duarte »
слава Україна!
“Putin’s failing Ukraine invasion proves Russia is no superpower"
The Only Good Fascist Is a Dead Fascist
Trump é o novo Neville Chamberlain, mas com o intelecto de quem não conseguiu completar a 4a classe.