Força Aérea Grega

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Força Aérea Grega
« em: Agosto 03, 2006, 10:02:40 am »
Grécia consegue contrapartidas no valor de 250 milhões de dólares, em contracto de 1,99 biliões de dólares por 30 F-16 Block 52+

Desprezando valores de contractos de manuntenção, armamento incluído (que não possuo dados):

 :arrow: custo unitário dos F-16 Block 52+ gregos = 66,3(3) milhões de dólares.

Acerca do novo concurso para MAIS 30 caças, desta vez de 4ª geração ... _17_4.html



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« Responder #1 em: Abril 12, 2008, 09:11:02 pm »
Grécia compra Rafale (?)

Tuesday, 8.04.2008 | Region
Greece buys French planes to show gratitude for support on veto

Athens /08/04/ 16:01

Greece is set to procure fighter jets Rafale and 15 choppers Super Puma from France, Greek daily Kathimerini writes in today's edition.

To this end, Greek Defense Minister Evangelos Meimarakis will be heading to Paris on Thursday to meet his French counterpart Herve Morin.

The paper says that this was another confirmation of the good bilateral relations, after France backed Greece at the NATO Summit in Bucharest, when it stood behind Athens's position to veto Macedonia's invitation for membership in the Alliance. /end/

Copyright 2008 makfax. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed ... Section=20
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« Responder #2 em: Abril 20, 2008, 05:28:43 pm »
Como é possivel que países como a Grécia que não é assim tão rica, possa dar-se ao luxo de gastar esta quantidade de dinheiro para renovar a sua frota de caças, e Portugal não tenha dinheiro para simplesmente modernizar a sua pequena frota de F-16?



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« Responder #3 em: Abril 20, 2008, 07:26:48 pm »
Akagi,yo lo veo muy facil :wink: ,Grecia gasta el 4'2 % de todo su producto interior bruto en defensa(si no recuerdo mal tiene el mayor gasto en defensa de Europa en relacion a su producto interior bruto expresado en %,sin contar a Rusia) mientras que Portugal gasta solo el 2'3%.Si encima a ello le sumamos que el producto interior bruto de Grecia es casi el doble del de Portugal($232.000 billion para Portugal y $412.521 billion para Grecia,segun la wikipedia),pues la respuesta esta clara.Grecia gasta algo asi como 4 veces lo que Portugal en el campo militar.Todo ello se traduce,en un gran ejercito,como el que tiene grecia,aunque hay que tener en cuenta tambien que ellos tienen un enemigo poderoso como es Turquia,lo que  explica ese gran esfuerzo que realizan en defensa.
"Con la sangre de un guerrero y el primer rayo de sol, hizo Dios una bandera, y se la dio al pueblo español"



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« Responder #4 em: Abril 21, 2008, 12:32:25 am »
Citação de: "AMRAAM"
Akagi,yo lo veo muy facil :wink: ,Grecia gasta el 4'2 % de todo su producto interior bruto en defensa(si no recuerdo mal tiene el mayor gasto en defensa de Europa en relacion a su producto interior bruto expresado en %,sin contar a Rusia) mientras que Portugal gasta solo el 2'3%.Si encima a ello le sumamos que el producto interior bruto de Grecia es casi el doble del de Portugal($232.000 billion para Portugal y $412.521 billion para Grecia,segun la wikipedia),pues la respuesta esta clara.Grecia gasta algo asi como 4 veces lo que Portugal en el campo militar.Todo ello se traduce,en un gran ejercito,como el que tiene grecia,aunque hay que tener en cuenta tambien que ellos tienen un enemigo poderoso como es Turquia,lo que  explica ese gran esfuerzo que realizan en defensa.

Portugal actualmente não gasta nas forças armadas 2.3% do PIB, mas sim 1.2 a 1.3 % além disso o PIB da Grécia (segundo Wikipédia) é bem mais baixo.



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« Responder #5 em: Abril 21, 2008, 01:50:00 pm »
Portugal actualmente não gasta nas forças armadas 2.3% do PIB, mas sim 1.2 a 1.3 % além disso o PIB da Grécia (segundo Wikipédia) é bem mais baixo.
Primero me gustaria puntualizar,que a la hora de buscar datos macroeconomicos referidos a lo que viene siendo el PIB de un pais o a sus gastos en defensa,es muy dificil dar con datos fiables al respecto,ya que dependiendo de la fuente y,sobre todo,de su credibilidad,pues podremos obtener valores mas o menos proximos a la realidad,pero nunca fiables al 100%. :roll:,ya que segun parece,a algun griego se le fue la mano y engordo bastante los datos :wink::
PORTUGAL ---->3080 mill.$  --->1'6%GDP
          GRECIA -------> 7287 mill.$  --->3%  GDP

Ademas dejo otro enlace con datos al respecto tambien sobre este tema del PIB dedicado en defensa por parte de Grecia y Portugal(se pueden consultar tambien muchos paises),y asi comparar entre distintas fuentes:

- Finalmente, y en relacion a lo que trata este topic y el comentario que realizo el compañero akagi :wink: ,Grecia se puede permitir renovar su flota de cazas sin demasiados problemas debido a que gasta mas de 7000 mill.$ en sus fuerzas armadas.Siendo esto asi,es mas facil,que Portugal tenga mas problemas en el campo militar que grecia ,ya que mientras Portugal gasta mas de 3000mill.$ en defensa los otros gastan mas del doble.
"Con la sangre de un guerrero y el primer rayo de sol, hizo Dios una bandera, y se la dio al pueblo español"



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« Responder #6 em: Maio 04, 2008, 01:03:41 am »
S-3B VIKING - the new ASW aircraft for the Hellenic Navy ?
According the media the S-3B VIKING is going to be presented to the Hellenic Navy officials ... the navy wants at least 5 aircrafts to replace the P-3B ORIONS

On February 20, 1974, the S-3A officially became operational with the VS-41 Shamrocks Fleet Replacement Squadron. The first operational cruise took place in 1975 with VS-21 Fighting Redtails aboard USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67).

Starting in 1991, some of these were upgraded to the S-3B with a number of new sensors, avionics, and weapons systems, including the capability to launch the AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile. The S-3B can also be fitted with "buddy stores" external fuel tanks that allow the Viking to refuel other aircraft. Sixteen S-3As were converted to ES-3 Shadows for carrier-based electronic intelligence (ELINT) duties. One aircraft, designated US-3A, was also converted for utility and limited cargo duty.[1] Plans were also made to develop the KS-3A carrier-based tanker aircraft to replace the retired KA-6 but this program was ultimately cancelled after the conversion of just one early development S-3A.

Since the submarine threat has been perceived as reduced, the Vikings have had the majority of their antisubmarine warfare equipment removed and are now used primarily for sea surface search, sea and ground attack, over-the-horizon targeting, and aircraft refueling.[1] As a result, crews are now usually limited to two, though three person crews are not unusual with certain missions.

A number of recent upgrade programs have been implemented. These include the Carrier Airborne Inertial Navigation System II (CAINS II) upgrade, which replaced older inertial navigation hardware with ring laser gyroscopes and additional GPS systems, and added electronic flight instruments (EFI). The Maverick Plus System (MPS) added the capability to employ the AGM-65E laser-guided or AGM-65F infrared-guided AGM-65 Maverick air-to-surface missile, and the AGM-84H/K Stand-off Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM/ER). The SLAM/ER is a GPS/inertial/infrared guided cruise missile that can be controlled by the aircrew in the terminal phase of flight if an AWW-13 data link pod is carried by the aircraft.[1]

The S-3B saw extensive service during the 1991 Gulf War, performing attack, tanker, and ELINT duties, and launching ADM-141 TALD decoys. The aircraft also participated in the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s and in Operation Enduring Freedom in 2001.

Though once considered being replaced by Common Support Aircraft, the original plan failed to materialize. As the surviving S-3 airframes were forced into sundown, a Lockheed Martin full scale fatigue test was performed and extended the service life of the aircraft by approximately 11,000 hours. The current Navy plans call for the retirement of all Vikings by 2009 so new aircraft can be introducted to recapitalize the aging fleet inventory. Their missions will be spread among the other battlegroup fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft.

General characteristics
Crew: 4 (Pilot, 2× Naval Flight Officers, Sensor Operator/TFO)
Length: 53 ft 4 in (16.26 m)

Unfolded: 68 ft 8 in (20.93 m)
Folded: 29 ft 6 in (9.00 m)
Height: 22 ft 9 in (6.93 m)
Wing area: 598 ft² (55.56 m²)
Empty weight: 26,581 lb (12,057 kg)
Loaded weight: 38,192 lb (17,324 kg)
Max takeoff weight: 52,539 lb (23,831 kg)
Powerplant: 2× General Electric TF34-GE-2 turbofans, 9,275 lbf (41.26 kN) each
*Internal fuel capacity: 1,933 US gal (7,320 L) of JP-5 fuel
External fuel capacity: 2x 300 US gal (1,136 L) tanks

Maximum speed:

429 knots (493 mph, 795 km/h) at sea level
Mach 0.79, 450 knots (514 mph, 828 km/h) at 20,000 ft (6,100 m)
Cruise speed: 350 knots (405 mph, 650 km/h)
Stall speed: 97 knots (112 mph, 180 km/h)
Combat radius: 2,765 nm (3,182 mi, 5,121 km)
Service ceiling 40,900 ft (12,465 m)
Rate of climb: 5,120 ft/min (26.0 m/s)
Wing loading: 68.5 lb/ft² (334 kg/m²)
Thrust/weight: 0.353

Up to 4,900 lb (2,220 kg) on four internal and two external hardpoints, including:
10× 500 lb (227 kg) Mark 82 bombs
2× 1000 lb (454 kg) Mark 83 bombs
2× 2000 lb (908 kg) Mark 84 bombs
6× CBU-100 cluster bombs
2× Mark 50 torpedoes
4× Mark 46 torpedoes
6× mines or depth charges
2× B57 nuclear bombs
2× AGM-65E/F Maverick missiles
2× AGM-84D Harpoon missiles
1× AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER missile
The two underwing hardpoints can also be fitted with unguided rocket pods or 300 US gal (1,136 L) fuel tanks.

AN/APS-116 sea search radar, maximum range 150 nm (173 mi, 278 km)
Upgraded on S-3B to AN/APS-137 Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
OR-89 forward looking infrared (FLIR) camera with 3x zoom
AN/ARS-2 sonobuoy receiver with 13 blade antennas on the airframe for precise buoy location
AN/ASQ-81 magnetic anomaly detector (MAD)
AN/ASN-92 inertial guidance system with doppler radar navigation and TACAN
Up to 62 sonobuoys.
"Con la sangre de un guerrero y el primer rayo de sol, hizo Dios una bandera, y se la dio al pueblo español"



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« Responder #7 em: Maio 04, 2008, 10:35:11 pm »
Os Gregos ao menos compram tudo :lol:


Bravo Two Zero

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« Responder #8 em: Maio 04, 2008, 11:12:33 pm »
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Os Gregos ao menos compram tudo :lol:

Pois, "aspiradores" com 30 anos.................

Mas :

Since the submarine threat has been perceived as reduced, the Vikings have had the majority of their antisubmarine warfare equipment removed and are now used primarily for sea surface search, sea and ground attack, over-the-horizon targeting, and aircraft refueling.[1] As a result, crews are now usually limited to two, though three person crews are not unusual with certain missions.

Não estarão os Gregos a comprar "gato" por "lebre" ?
"Há vários tipos de Estado,  o Estado comunista, o Estado Capitalista! E há o Estado a que chegámos!" - Salgueiro Maia



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« Responder #9 em: Maio 13, 2008, 04:58:45 pm »
¡¡Interesantes,los planes de compras que tienen estos griegos para los proximos años!! :twisted:
Greek defence procurement plans 2006-2010

Greece ’s EMPAE defence procurement budget for the period 2006-2010 contains only E2.96 billion (US$3.7 billion) for the launch of new programs, press visitors to the Defendory show in Athens were told on October 2.

In essence, this means that deposits will be paid for these programs during the current five-year plan, with the major payments coming in the EMPAE 2011-2015 plan. This is expected to contain an estimated E15.35 billion (US$19.2 billion), of which some E1.09 billion (US$1.37 billion) will cover payments for older programs.

Key programs

The most important EMPAE programs approved for the 2006-2010 period are, in order of priority:

1) Development of earth stations for the Hellenic Armed Forces’ Satellite Communications System: E161.2 million;

2) Army procurement of 20 NH90 helicopters: E807.5 million;

3) Construction of six new frigates for the Navy: E2.8 billion;

4) Air Force acquisition of 45 Advanced Jet Trainers: E900 million;

5) Air Force procurement of 70 new fighters, including the 30 F-16C/D Block 52+ already ordered: E5.5 billion;

6) Army acquisition of 84 wheeled AFVs: E430.6 million;

7) Navy procurement of five ASW aircraft: E250 million;

8) Navy upgrade of four MEKO frigates: E200 million;

9) Participation in the BOC-HELIOS joint venture: E120 million;

10) Army procurement of 291 tracked IFVs: E1.7 billion;

11) Navy upgrade of Phalanx systems: E85 million;

12) Navy acquisition of five minehunters: E200 million;

13) Air Force procurement of a new fighter Self-Protection Suite: E350 million;

14) Army acquisition of 18 second-hand PzH 2000 Self-Propelled Howitzers: E15 million;

15) Army procurement of 50 amphibious AFVs: E100 million;

16) Navy modification of six S-class frigates to accommodate the S-70B helicopter: E7.2 million;

17) Navy acquisition of two Fast Attack Craft (Missile): E300 million;

18) Air Force procurement of SAR helicopters: E234.2 million;

19) Army installation of chaff launchers on 20 AH-64A and nine CH-47D helicopters: E5.93 million;

20) Army procurement of one AH-64 flight simulator: E30 million.

Army procurements

There are three upcoming competitions to supply the Hellenic Army with new Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs) and Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs).

The first of these, for 84 wheeled AFVs, is expected to pit the GD Steyr Spezialfahrzeug Pandur II against the Nexter (formerly Giat Industries) VBCI, the new Iveco-Fiat Centauro VBC, the Patria Vehicles Armoured Modular Vehicle (AMV) and the Rosoboronexport BTR-80A.

The second, for 291 tracked IFVs, is likely to involve the BAE Systems Hägglunds CV9030/35, the GD Steyr Ulan and the Rosoboronexport BMP-3F.

And the third, for 50 amphibious AFVs, will involve at least one bid, by Rosoboronexport, with the BMP-3F. The 42 BMP-3s sold to the United Arab Emirates are said to have successfully landed in Sea State 6, although they are only qualified to operate at up to Sea State 3-4.

Navy frigate and ASW aircraft competitions

Though the Greek Defence Ministry says it wants to build six new frigates for the Hellenic Navy, industry observers say that the budget is only likely to cover four.

There are six candidates: Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, in collaboration with its Hellenic Shipyards subsidiary, proposing the new MEKO-D design; the Netherlands’ Royal Schelde yard, with its LCF (de Zeven Provincien-class); Denmark’s Odense Shipyard, offering its new F361 Patrol Frigate design; Spain’s Navantia, proposing the F310 Fridjof Nansen class it is building for Norway; France’s Armaris, proposing a variant of the French Navy’s new FREMM; and Italy’s Orizzonte Sistemi Navale, with a version of the Italian Navy’s FREMM.

There are three contenders to meet the Hellenic Navy requirement for five Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) aircraft: Italy’s Alenia Aeronautica is offering a version of the ATR 72 ASW aircraft, 10 of which were sold to Turkey last year; Spain’s EADS-CASA is proposing its C-295 transport aircraft equipped with the FITS system; and Brazil’s Embraer is offering a version of its P-99 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA), based on the EMB-314.

Four EMB-314s have now been delivered to the Hellenic Air Force, mounting the Saab Microwave Systems Erieye Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) system.

AJT and new fighter programs

The competition to supply the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) with 45 new Advanced Jet Trainers (AJTs), to replace its ageing Rockwell T-2C/E Buckeyes, has now moved above the requirement for more new fighters, since the life of the 10 T-2Cs and 35 T-2Es is expected to expire within the next 4-5 years.

There are five contenders in the AJT competition, which MPI understands is likely to be started within the next two years: Aermacchi, offering its M346; Aero Vodochody, proposing the L-159BAT (B from A for Training); BAE Systems, with its new Hawk 128; Boeing, offering an upgraded version of the T-45 Goshawk; and Korea Aerospace Industries / Lockheed Martin, with the T-50 Golden Eagle.

The competition for 30-40 future generation strike fighters is not expected to start until late in the current five-year plan, after completion in late 2009 of deliveries of the 30 Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 52+ aircraft ordered in January 2006. A further 10 of these aircraft may be ordered under an option in the contract.

The new strike fighters are required to replace the HAF’s 78 elderly A-7E/H Corsairs and 82 F/RF-4E Phantoms. The candidates are expected to include: the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet; the Dassault Aviation Rafale; the Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 2/3; the Saab JAS-39C/D Gripen; and either the latest development of the Lockheed Martin F-16 or, if it meets the HAF requirements and delivery timescale, the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).
"Con la sangre de un guerrero y el primer rayo de sol, hizo Dios una bandera, y se la dio al pueblo español"


Cabeça de Martelo

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« Responder #10 em: Maio 13, 2008, 05:04:43 pm »
Isso é uma lista enorme, é incrivel a vontade sempre presente de ter melhores Forças Armadas que os Turcos (nem que seja pela qualidade).
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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« Responder #11 em: Maio 14, 2008, 11:02:21 am »
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Isso é uma lista enorme, é incrivel a vontade sempre presente de ter melhores Forças Armadas que os Turcos (nem que seja pela qualidade).

En realidad si analizas la lista punto por punto veras que no es para tanto ;)



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« Responder #12 em: Outubro 19, 2008, 10:23:15 pm »
Greece’s Maritime Patrol Aircraft Competition

Greece’s Hellenic Air Force currently operates 4 older P-3B Orion maritime patrol aircraft, which were delivered to the HAF from 1993 – 1996. They are reaching the limits of their airframe life, but options exist. The Orion has upgraded to P-3C designation, and has received a slew of updates since the P-3Bs were fielded. Efforts like Lockheed Martin’s reopening of P-3 wing production are even making it possible for countries like Norway to keep upgraded P-3 aircraft in service.

Greece has reportedly decided not to go this route, and at least EUR 250 million (abut $350 million) has reportedly been set aside for the winner of a 5-aircraft maritime patrol competition. Will the Greeks call on Poseidon once more, in order to protect their seas and mariners? ... #more-5118
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
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« Responder #13 em: Outubro 19, 2008, 10:49:51 pm »
Mas os gregos não utilizavam A7 P corsair?



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« Responder #14 em: Outubro 19, 2008, 10:56:18 pm »
utilizão pelo menos até 2012

The air force has an urgent requirement for around 70-80 aircraft to begin replacing its McDonnell Douglas F-4 and Vought A-7 Corsair fighters between 2010 and 2012, but speculation that the Greek government could call an early general election in mid-2009 could further delay its plans. ... deals.html
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva