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"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #901 em: Maio 10, 2020, 09:17:58 am »
Increible... :o :o :o :o  salen a 120.000 dólares cada unidad.......yo quiero uno!!... :mrgreen:

Quizás sea buena oportunidad de quedarse ustedes con 200 unidades por solo 20 millones de euros.

Emiratos Árabes Unidos autorizado a comprar 4.569 vehículos blindados MRAP por solo 556 millones de dólares.

El Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos ha dado su visto bueno para vender 4.569 vehículos protegidos contra emboscadas resistentes a las minas (MRAP) que el Ejército no utiliza, a los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) por “solo” 556 millones.

En septiembre de 2014, la Agencia de Cooperación en Seguridad de la Defensa [DSCA], la agencia responsable de las exportaciones de equipos militares estadounidenses, recomendó al Congreso que aceptara una posible venta a los Emiratos Árabes Unidos de 4.569 vehículos blindados del tipo MRAP, especialmente diseñados para contrarrestar la amenaza de los artefactos improvisados explosivos ​​[IED], como parte de un programa urgente para satisfacer las necesidades del Ejército y el Cuerpo de Marines de Estados Unidos. La factura se estimó entonces en 2.500 millones de dólares.

Según la Oficina del Programa Conjunto del Pentágono, los vehículos MRAP, con blindaje en forma de V en la parte baja del vehículo, permite desviar la explosión hacia los lados calculando que habrían salvado 30.000 vidas en Afganistán y 10.000 en Irak. Se construyeron un total de 27.000 vehículos por un coste estimado de 50.000 millones de dólares.

Sin embargo, en enero de 2014, dada la gran disparidad de modelos (se pusieron en servicio al menos 25 versiones diferentes) y la dificultad de mantenerlos, el Ejército anunció que solo mantendría en su inventario un tercio de los MRAP producidos, mientras que el resto se revendería. Esto despertó el interés de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

Desde entonces, estos 4.569 MRAP se han añadido a los 3.000 vehículos Nimr utilizados por las pequeñas fuerzas terrestres de los EAU. Se calcula que EAU tiene unos 60.000 efectivos.

De hecho, en febrero de 2019, una investigación publicada por el Washington Post reveló que varios de estos vehículos MRAP habían sido vendidos a milicias armadas, con diversas alianzas, en Yemen. Y algunos incluso habían caído en manos de los rebeldes hutíes respaldados por Irán.

En ese momento, el Pentágono dijo que tomaba “las acusaciones de mal uso del equipo de defensa de origen estadounidense muy en serio” y aseguró que iniciaría “investigaciones una vez que se recibieran pruebas creíbles”.

Sin embargo, a pesar de este caso, la DSCA recomendó una vez más al Congreso que aceptara una solicitud de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos para adquirir un nuevo lote de 4.569 vehículos MRAP, en un aviso publicado el 7 de mayo bajo el título de “Artículos de defensa en exceso”. Y por una factura de “solo” 556 millones de dólares [cinco veces más barato que en septiembre de 2014.

La venta propuesta respaldará la política exterior de Estados Unidos y los objetivos de seguridad nacional al ayudar a mejorar la seguridad de un importante socio regional”. Los Emiratos Árabes Unidos han sido y siguen siendo un socio esencial para la estabilidad política y el progreso económico en Oriente Medio. Esta venta es coherente con las iniciativas de EE. UU. para proporcionar a los principales aliados de la región sistemas modernos que mejoren la interoperabilidad con las fuerzas estadounidenses y aumenten la seguridad “, afirma la DSCA en su opinión.

En cuanto al uso previsto por los Emiratos de los 4.569 MRAP, la agencia estadounidense dice que se “utilizarán para mejorar la protección” de las fuerzas de los Emiratos, “llevar a cabo operaciones de asistencia humanitaria” y “protegerán infraestructuras críticas”.

Como recordatorio, el último informe del grupo de expertos de las Naciones Unidas para Libia afirma que los vehículos MRAP fueron entregados al Ejército Nacional Libio [ANL] del mariscal Khalifa Haftar, a pesar del embargo de armas.
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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #902 em: Maio 13, 2020, 04:55:49 pm »
Maniobras en Lituania.

A partir del 0:56 se ve en acción la nueva manguera explosiva ligera en servicio en el Ejército español.

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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #903 em: Maio 20, 2020, 10:32:04 pm »
US Army Examines Patria NEMO 
Patria Oyj (Helsinki, Finland) announced on 19 May it has entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center to determine feasibility of incorporating a turreted, breech-loaded 120mm mortar weapon system into US mortar carriers.

                      NEMO firing trials mounted on a Patria AMV. (Photo: Patria)

The scope of the agreement is to assess the capabilities of Patria’s NEMO mortar system, its compatibility with US mortar carrier platforms and fire control systems as well as to evaluate the use of current US 120mm mortar ammunition in a breech-loaded mortar, such as the NEMO.

This agreement is a continuation of the service’s effort to provide Armored and STRYKER Brigade Combat Teams with rapid, precise indirect and direct fire capability in circumstances in which the operating crew is well protected and its physical burden significantly reduced. In late 2018, the army published a market survey to identify capable sources to develop and produce the 120mm Mortar Future Indirect Fire Turret (FIFT). Patria answered the market survey based on NEMO.

Patria’s NEMO is a turreted, remote-controlled 120mm mortar system with both direct and indirect fire capability, capable of executing up to six-grenade multiple rounds simultaneous impact fire missions. In addition to being highly protected, it is light, compact and easily installed on light, tracked chassis, wheeled armored vehicles or naval vessels.

“The agreement between the US Army and Patria exemplifies the capability leap that modern turreted mortar systems can introduce to armed forces and illustrates Patria’s leading role in this technology area. It is also [a] logical continuation to the cooperation between Patria and the US government that began with Patria NEMO sales to a third country through a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme,” commented Jussi Järvinen, President of Patria’s Land Business Unit.
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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #904 em: Junho 04, 2020, 07:31:21 am »

The first Bradley A4 vehicles have been delivered to our U.S. Army customer! Production on the Bradley vehicles spans BAE Systems’ industrial network, so share a photo of the vehicles on the road if you see them in Anniston, Alabama or York, Pennsylvania.
A España servir hasta morir


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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #905 em: Junho 16, 2020, 08:17:14 pm »
New ASTROS II Multiple Rocket Launcher Systems Delivery to Indonesia Army

Indonesian Army continues to taking delivery of new military platforms. Images of new Multiple Rocket Launcher System arrived to the country were published on social media. The Indonesian Army took delivery of a new batch ASTROS II multiple rocket launcher system. ASTROS II includes 27 unit of ASTROS II and it’s ammunition just arrived in Port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. The ASTROS II artillery system entered service with the Indonesian Army in 2015. Under the agreement Indonesia received 36 launchers and a similar number of transport-charging machines, fire control, mobile repair shops, mobile weather stations, control vehicle battery commander. Avibras provided training facilities, simulators and a package of spare parts.

ASTROS II (Artillery Saturation Rocket System) is a self-propelled multiple rocket launcher produced in Brazil by the Avibras company. It features modular design and employs rockets with calibers ranging from 127 mm to 450 mm ( 5-17.72 inches). It was developed on the basis of a Tectran VBT-2028 6×6 all-terrain vehicle for enhanced mobility. The Astros II are normally grouped in artillery batteries consisting on average of about 13 vehicles: 6 of them are Astros II launchers, 6 are rocket resupply trucks and one a special radar-equipped vehicle controlling the fire control system. The launcher is capable of firing rockets of different calibers armed with a range of warheads.

The Astros II artillery system entered service with the Brazilian Army in 1983. The system is battle proven, having been used in action by the Iraqi Army in the Gulf Wars. In the 1980s, Avibrás sold an estimated sixty-six Astros II artillery systems to Iraq. Iraq also built the Sajil-60 which is a license-built version of the Brazilian SS-60. Sixty Astros II were sold to Saudi Arabia and an unspecified number sold to Bahrain and Qatar. Total sales of the Astros II between 1982 and 1987 reached one billion dollars. Exported to many countries the Astros is considered a market-leader among the small and highly competitive group of manufacturers of such systems.




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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #906 em: Junho 18, 2020, 08:09:03 pm »
A España servir hasta morir



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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #907 em: Junho 27, 2020, 11:22:37 pm »
Egypt reportedly signed contract for 500 T-90MS main battle tanks

Parece que está concluído o acordo.

Então 1360 M1A1, 1716 M60A1 e A3, 34 T-80UK e U, 200 T-62, 260 Ramses II ( que é basicamente um um T-54 com motor e armamento do M-60 e novo computador de tiro)

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #908 em: Julho 06, 2020, 01:02:20 pm »
BAE Systems CV90 MkIV enhanced and modernized version of CV90 tracked armored IFV

BAE Systems continues to enhanced and modernized the CV90 tracked armored IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle with the CV90 MkIV offering more mobility, firepower, and protection. The CV 90 MK IV was unveiled by BAE Systems during the International Armored Vehicles conference and Exhibition in September 2017.

BAE Systems CV90 MKIV tracked armored IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle. (Picture source BAE Systems)

BAE Systems has introduced the next phase of development for the CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) with the launch of the new CV90 MkIV in 2017. This fifth generation of the company’s combat-proven IFV family represents the next step for the CV90 concept.

This fifth-generation combat-proven Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) combines improved battlefield speeds and handling with an upgraded Electronic Architecture to support future growth capabilities.

The MkIV represents the next step in the evolution of the CV90 concept. Building on a proud legacy of best-in-class mobility and survivability spanning more than two decades, the CV90 MkIV brings unrivaled technological capabilities and flexibility to today’s complex battlefield.

With a new engine, the MkIV boasts up to 1,000 horsepower and the latest upgraded X300 heavy-duty transmission. The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating is increased from 35 tones to 37 tones, offering users two tones of extra payload without a decrease in vehicle agility. The MkIV generation will also be the first Western IFV with a qualified Active Protection System.

The new CV90 MkIV D-series of turrets which feature a modular design offering 30/40-, 35/50 and 120mm main guns and weapon pods for integrated Anti-Tank Guided Missiles and machine guns. The turrets are designed to support a more extensive sensor suite integration and utilize BAE Systems’ revolutionary new iFighting™ concept. The MkIV generation will also be the first Western IFV with a qualified Active Protection System.

With a new engine, the MkIV boasts up to 1,000 horsepower and the latest upgraded X300 heavy-duty transmission. (Picture source BAE Systems)

The design of the CV90 Mk IV is very similar to the original CV90 with the driver seated front left, the power pack to his right, the turret in the center and the troop's compartment at the rear of the hull. The CV90 Mk IV is of all-welded steel armor construction. The CV90 basic armor provides all-round protection against 14.5 mm armor-piercing rounds. Armor protection over the frontal arc is classified, but all models from CV90 and later are said to be protected against 30 mm APFSDS (Armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot) ammunition.

Active damping is included as part of the base offering for the chassis. This feature enables active vehicle dynamics to give users a more stable platform, allowing increased speed across all terrain. It also reduces life support cost significantly for the end user.

The fourth generation of NGVA Standard Electronic Architecture makes sensor data fusion more effective and significantly increases real-time parallel data processing. This upgrade will support machine-learning algorithms, artificial intelligence capabilities – including autonomous crew support – and Augmented Reality and 3D map data to enable future adoption and growth.

« Última modificação: Julho 06, 2020, 01:05:05 pm por tenente »
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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #909 em: Julho 11, 2020, 06:29:37 pm »

Using its recently unveiled eight-missile launcher for the SPIKE NLOS missile, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems is offering the system in partnership with PGZ for the Polish Ottokar-Brzoza programme – formerly known as the Tank Destroyer programme. PGZ is offering BWP-1 and KTO ROSOMAK vehicle platforms for the requirement.

With a standoff range of 32km, SPIKE NLOS is the longest-range variant of the SPIKE family, featuring all-weather performance. One SPIKE NLOS battery can cover a large operational area, creating a significant tactical footprint. It is a 5th-generation ATGM and includes an advanced EO guidance unit, enabling passive target engagement with no laser emission, radar signals or GPS-dependence. The unique combination of standoff and EO guidance allows a SPIKE NLOS unit to launch stealth salvo attacks, engaging multiple armoured targets simultaneously, breaking the enemy's momentum.

The system is capable of engaging line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight targets, with a choice of engagement modes using digital targeting data provided over standard secure military networks, fully interoperable with NATO solutions.

To meet a key requirement of the Polish  programme, the selected standoff weapon must be able to cope with any type of terrain, including urban. SPIKE NLOS, with its real-time datalink and high quality EO seeker, facilitates engagement in urban terrain with pinpoint accuracy that is hard to obtain with laser-guided or radar-guided missiles, thereby minimizing potential collateral damage and allowing significantly better discrimination among targets as friend, foe or uninvolved.

Another major differentiator for the EO guidance system is the ability to discriminate real-time high value targets (as the missile approaches the target area) such as C2 assets or air-defence launchers whose removal dramatically affects the opponent. 

The SPIKE NLOS missile is in service with multiple armed forces, including several NATO members, and has been fired thousands of times in combat from vehicle and naval platforms as well as attack helicopters. It is slated to compete in the future KRUK attack helicopter programme for the Polish armed forces.

The new SPIKE NLOS launcher is based on a stand-alone multi-purpose launcher that can be integrated onto any current or future Polish platform, such as the BWP-1, the KTO ROSOMAK or the future BORSUK IFV. An important feature of the launcher is its compatibility with other SPIKE family members in service in Poland, including SPIKE LR and SPIKE LR2, allowing use of the thousands of existing SPIKE rounds in inventory.

The valuable experience gained by Polish forces in the use of SPIKE to date, coupled with the fact that the missile is produced in Poland by Mesko – a PGZ company – provides a suitable infrastructure for future local production of the NLOS missile and the new launcher.

A brief video of the SPIKE NLOS system may be viewed by clicking here:

« Última modificação: Julho 11, 2020, 06:32:29 pm por tenente »
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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #911 em: Agosto 07, 2020, 11:58:53 am »
Colombia vai receber 144 blindados m1117 (ASV) dos Estados Unidos

7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #912 em: Agosto 09, 2020, 11:24:23 am »
US Marines is looking to field new generation of light anti-armor weapon M72 FFE


According to information published on the U.S Marines website on August 4, 2020, the United States Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) is looking to field a next-generation, shoulder-fired anti-tank rocket system M72 that will increase lethality and safety for U.S. Marines.

New M72 LAW FFE Fire from Enclosure antitank weapon. (Picture source My New Desk website)

With guidance from MCSC’s (Marine Corps Systems Command) Program Manager for Ammunition, the Army in July released a Request for Proposals for the M72 Light Assault Weapon (LAW) Fire from Enclosure (FFE) munition. The Army is procuring the system on behalf of MCSC, fulfilling a requirement for the Corps.

The United States developed the M72 Light Antiarmour Weapon (LAW) in the 1960s as a single-shot, disposable rocket launcher. The weapon consists of two telescoped tubes that, when extended, automatically prepare the weapon for firing (safety release, cocking of the firing mechanism, and deployment of pop-up sights). Although the weapon bears superficial resemblance to many tubular rocket launchers, its compact size, squared firing mechanism, and sight housings make it relatively easy to identify.

The M72 LAW’s warhead has excellent penetration ability and lethal after-armor effects. The extremely destructive, shaped-charge explosive penetrates more than 12 inches of armor. It has a maximum effective range of 200 meters.

The M72 LAW FFE is a compact, lightweight, single-shot weapon system. It incorporates an improved launcher, featuring an enhanced in-line trigger mechanism and improved sling design.

Managed by PM Ammo, the FFE technology is an upgraded version of the legacy M72 LAW system. The newer system enables Marines to fire several shots per day from inside a room—a capability the legacy system lacked. When firing at night, the flash from the M72 FFE’s muzzle and backblast is less than that of an M9 pistol.

The ability to fire from an enclosed position combined with reduced noise and flash allows Marines to maintain a covered and concealed position, reducing the enemies’ ability to identify the point of origin.

The M72 FFE comprises two configurations: the M72A8 anti-armor and the M72A10 multi-purpose, anti-structure munition. The anti-armor warhead improves armor penetration while the multi-purpose warhead gives Marines the added capability of an anti-structure round capable of eliminating hardened structures, such as buildings.

The M72A10 incorporates an advanced warhead design with a multipurpose explosive and a self-discriminating fuse that operates in either fast- or delay-mode based on target construction. It can be used to engage various targets, such as structures, bunkers, and enemy personnel.

The FFE’s lightweight allows smaller units to increase the amount of shoulder-fired munitions available during operations. It also provides them with an easy-to-carry, fast-to-employ system designed to defeat multiple targets in all conditions.

The U.S. Marines Program Manage ammo expects to field the new generation of M72 FFE in the fiscal year 2022.

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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #913 em: Agosto 11, 2020, 06:31:53 pm »
Germany announces a plan to boost its defense spending
According to information published by the World Socialist Web Site on August 10, 2020, Germany has announced a plan to boost its defense spending. The German Defense Minister has published a first priority list for the acquisition of military equipment to continue the modernization of its armed forces.

A member of the German support element, assigned to the Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), checks a Heckler & Koch G36 rifle prior to the qualification at the Benelux Training Support Center indoor range on Chièvres Air Base, Belgium, Feb. 26, 2019. (Picture source U.S. DoD)
The German army needs to replace its standard assault rifle G36, a new tender could be released in the next few months for a total of 120,000 rifles including spare parts and accessories for an amount of $245 million. In 2019, the German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has confirmed that the G36,a rifle which has been in service since 20 years with the German army, will be phased out and needs to be replaced by a new generation of assault rifle.
For the German Air Force, in addition to the 138 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft that are already in service, a new batch of 38 additional fighters will be purchased. Currently, the German air force has a total of 143 Typhoon aircraft, 33 of Tranche 1, 79 of Tranche 2 and 31 of Tranche 3A.
The Eurofighter Typhoon is a twin-engine, canard–delta wing, multirole fighter. It was designed originally as an air superiority fighter and is manufactured by a consortium of Airbus, BAE Systems, and Leonardo that conducts the majority of the project through a joint holding company, Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH.
On 4 August 2003, the German Air Force accepted its first series production Eurofighter (30+03) starting the replacement process of the Mikoyan MiG-29s inherited from the East German Air Force.[157] The first Luftwaffe Wing to accept the Eurofighter was Jagdgeschwader 73 "Steinhoff" on 30 April 2004 at Rostock–Laage Airport.[158] The second Wing was Jagdgeschwader 74 (JG74) on 25 July 2006, with four Eurofighters arriving at Neuburg Air Base, beginning the replacement of JG74's McDonnell Douglas F-4F Phantom IIs.

A German Eurofighter Typhooner links up with a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker assigned to the 100th Air Refueling Wing to be refueled via its multi-point refueling system during a NATO Multinational Air Group exercise over Germany, June 25, 2020. (Picture source U.S. Dod)
Germany has also many new projects for its naval forces including the procurement of 31 Sea Tiger Naval helicopters and the development and purchase of naval drones. Germany Navy has also planned to acquire a new generation of frigate. On June 17, 2020, the German Parliament has approved the budget for the acquisition of four MKS 180 frigates that will be built by the Dutch shipbuilder Damen. This contract will be the largest naval contract for the companies Damen and Thales with an estimated amount of 5.473 billion Euros.
The German navy has also planned to acquire F125 frigates and Class 212 submarines.
For the Army, the delivery of the new tracked armored IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) Puma will continue, and the old Marder IFV will be upgraded to extend its operational life. The Leopard 2 MBT (Main Battle Tank) which is the backbone of the German Army will be modernized with APS (Active Protection System), a system designed to prevent line-of-sight guided anti-tank missiles/projectiles from acquiring and/or destroying a vehicle.
German armed forces also plan to purchase different types of ammunitions including RBS15 Mk3 sea/land target drone for the first and second batch of corvettes, GBU-54 guided bombs for the Eurofighter, new ammunition for the 125 frigates, torpedoes and new tank ammunition

« Última modificação: Agosto 11, 2020, 06:32:25 pm por tenente »
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Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #914 em: Agosto 19, 2020, 01:51:39 am »

Hungria encomenda mais de 200 AIFV KF41 Lynx que irão ser produzidos no país em associação com a Rheinmetall.

A juntar aos recentemente encomendados: 44 Leopard 2A7+, 24 PzH2000, 5 Wisent 2, NASAM's II, Carl Gustav M4, 16 H225M, 20 H145M, 2 Falcon 7X, C-17's (partilhados) etc. etc.
« Última modificação: Agosto 19, 2020, 04:46:57 pm por Major Alvega »
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