Projecto Embraer KC-390

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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #975 em: Outubro 19, 2017, 09:33:07 pm »



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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #976 em: Outubro 19, 2017, 10:41:22 pm »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!


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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #977 em: Outubro 20, 2017, 01:09:37 pm »
Testes de estol do KC390: pouso não foi uma emergência


Um protótipo do avião de transporte multimissão KC-390 realizou na manhã de quinta-feira, 12 de outubro, ensaios em voo para situação de estol, que resultam em perda de altitude da aeronave, devido à diminuição da força de sustentação, como parte da campanha de testes para certificação.

Em razão das manobras efetuadas e seguindo os protocolos estabelecidos, a tripulação solicitou retorno antecipado à base, pousando normalmente no aeródromo da companhia em Gavião Peixoto (SP) onde a campanha de ensaios é realizada.

Em caso de real necessidade, os protótipos podem contar com um equipamento de segurança instalado na cauda (na cor laranja) capaz de retornar a aeronave a uma atitude normal de voo, caso entre em perda

Esse procedimento, normal para uma aeronave protótipo que está abrindo seu envelope de voo durante o testes, foi interpretado por pessoas que estavam copiando a frequência rádio de Gavião Peixoto como uma situação de emergência, o que absolutamente não ocorreu.

A reportagem de T&D entrou em contato com a Embraer, e o assunto foi esclarecido através desse comunicado. Tratou-se apenas de mais um dia na atribulada vida de voos de teste realizados pelos dois protótipos.

A entrada em serviço do KC-390 está prevista para acontecer em 2018, conforme o cronograma do programa. Atualmente, dois protótipos do KC-390 somam mais de 1.300 horas de voo.[/s

Atualmente, dois protótipos do KC-390 somam mais de 1.300 horas de voo.

« Última modificação: Outubro 20, 2017, 01:13:32 pm por Vitor Santos »


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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #978 em: Outubro 23, 2017, 07:55:12 pm »

Paraquedistas testam o KC-390, o novo avião da FAB


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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #979 em: Outubro 25, 2017, 03:40:34 pm »
Reparem nas semelhanças...

IL-276 Is Waiting for the Army: New military transport aircraft can do without concrete runways

Russia has decided to develop the IL-276 transport aircraft on its own, and is currently negotiating details of the development and production program with Russian manufacturers.

The Russian Armed Forces are planning to purchase the IL-276 medium military transport aircraft. The new aircraft will be able to transport several combat vehicles or hundreds of soldiers over a distance of five to six thousand kilometers. At the same time, the IL-276 will do without runways - it can easily land and take off from unprepared strips. The aircraft was initially designed on the basis of the joint Russian-Indian project of the multirole transport aircraft MTA (Multi-role Transport Aircraft).

According to experts, the Russian military urgently needs the IL-276 to replace the fleet of outdated transport aircraft built in Soviet times. In addition, the new aircraft could also be of interest to foreign buyers, primarily from the traditional partners of Russia.

As "Izvestia" was told in the main command of the Air and Space Forces, at present the military department is in talks with aircraft manufacturers with which it is discussing the timing and the program for producing the IL-276. But it is already certain that the military need is for no less than 55 of these aircraft.

JSC "Ilyushin" confirmed to Izvestia that negotiations with the military are under way. But they refused to comment further.

The intergovernmental agreement on the joint development and construction of the MTA was signed by Moscow and New Delhi in 2007. Three years later, the basic agreement was concluded by the Russian United Aircraft Corporation and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. It was expected that the aircraft would make its first flight in 2017. Subsequently, the terms were changed several times and, in late 2015, the Indian side announced its withdrawal from the project.

But, in September 2016, representatives of Ilyushin reported that the project of a medium military transport aircraft (SVTS) would be continued. And in June this year SVTS received the official name of IL-276 (earlier, in Russian media, the project of MTA-SVTS was called Il-214).

The IL-276 is a twin-engine jet with a take-off weight of just over 60 tonnes. Its payload is about 20 tonnes. The aircraft is to be capable of flying over 6,000 kilometers at a speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour. At the same time, the IL-276 will have to do without runways, and will be able to take off and land on unprepared or semi-prepared terrain.

Independent military expert Anton Lavrov believes that the IL-276 will be very much in demand by the Russian military.

"In the future, it will replace all those transport aircraft that have not been manufactured since the times of the USSR, like the An-12, An-72 and An-32," he explained. “This aircraft will be powered by the same engines as the upgraded IL-76. These are well mastered by industry, which will greatly accelerate the process of debugging the aircraft and putting it into service.

Anton Lavrov added that the average transport aircraft is very necessary over such distances, where it is not cost-effective to use a large IL-76 transport, for example within military districts or regions.

"The IL-276’s fuel consumption will be much less," he added. “It is useful for the transfer of light equipment and personnel. The transportation of supplies to remote garrisons is also in high demand, especially in the Arctic. Finally, the same airframe will probably be used to develop EW and radio intelligence variants. And if you want, you can make a flying laboratory and even a passenger plane to transport command staffs.

Andrei Frolov, editor-in-chief of Arms Export magazine, told Izvestia that there also is a demand for medium-sized military transport planes on the world market.

“Russian development may well interest traditional buyers of our military products. But much will depend on the timing,” he said. “The IL-276 will have strong competitors. Medium transport aircraft with turbojet engines are already offered for export by Brazilian and Chinese manufacturers.”

Currently, there are 40 An-72 medium military transports and more than one hundred AN-12s in the fleet of the Russian military department.

By Alexey Ramm and Nikolay Surkov
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #980 em: Outubro 25, 2017, 07:33:48 pm »
Reparem nas semelhanças...

IL-276 Is Waiting for the Army: New military transport aircraft can do without concrete runways

Russia has decided to develop the IL-276 transport aircraft on its own, and is currently negotiating details of the development and production program with Russian manufacturers.

The Russian Armed Forces are planning to purchase the IL-276 medium military transport aircraft. The new aircraft will be able to transport several combat vehicles or hundreds of soldiers over a distance of five to six thousand kilometers. At the same time, the IL-276 will do without runways - it can easily land and take off from unprepared strips. The aircraft was initially designed on the basis of the joint Russian-Indian project of the multirole transport aircraft MTA (Multi-role Transport Aircraft).

According to experts, the Russian military urgently needs the IL-276 to replace the fleet of outdated transport aircraft built in Soviet times. In addition, the new aircraft could also be of interest to foreign buyers, primarily from the traditional partners of Russia.

As "Izvestia" was told in the main command of the Air and Space Forces, at present the military department is in talks with aircraft manufacturers with which it is discussing the timing and the program for producing the IL-276. But it is already certain that the military need is for no less than 55 of these aircraft.

JSC "Ilyushin" confirmed to Izvestia that negotiations with the military are under way. But they refused to comment further.

The intergovernmental agreement on the joint development and construction of the MTA was signed by Moscow and New Delhi in 2007. Three years later, the basic agreement was concluded by the Russian United Aircraft Corporation and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. It was expected that the aircraft would make its first flight in 2017. Subsequently, the terms were changed several times and, in late 2015, the Indian side announced its withdrawal from the project.

But, in September 2016, representatives of Ilyushin reported that the project of a medium military transport aircraft (SVTS) would be continued. And in June this year SVTS received the official name of IL-276 (earlier, in Russian media, the project of MTA-SVTS was called Il-214).

The IL-276 is a twin-engine jet with a take-off weight of just over 60 tonnes. Its payload is about 20 tonnes. The aircraft is to be capable of flying over 6,000 kilometers at a speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour. At the same time, the IL-276 will have to do without runways, and will be able to take off and land on unprepared or semi-prepared terrain.

Independent military expert Anton Lavrov believes that the IL-276 will be very much in demand by the Russian military.

"In the future, it will replace all those transport aircraft that have not been manufactured since the times of the USSR, like the An-12, An-72 and An-32," he explained. “This aircraft will be powered by the same engines as the upgraded IL-76. These are well mastered by industry, which will greatly accelerate the process of debugging the aircraft and putting it into service.

Anton Lavrov added that the average transport aircraft is very necessary over such distances, where it is not cost-effective to use a large IL-76 transport, for example within military districts or regions.

"The IL-276’s fuel consumption will be much less," he added. “It is useful for the transfer of light equipment and personnel. The transportation of supplies to remote garrisons is also in high demand, especially in the Arctic. Finally, the same airframe will probably be used to develop EW and radio intelligence variants. And if you want, you can make a flying laboratory and even a passenger plane to transport command staffs.

Andrei Frolov, editor-in-chief of Arms Export magazine, told Izvestia that there also is a demand for medium-sized military transport planes on the world market.

“Russian development may well interest traditional buyers of our military products. But much will depend on the timing,” he said. “The IL-276 will have strong competitors. Medium transport aircraft with turbojet engines are already offered for export by Brazilian and Chinese manufacturers.”

Currently, there are 40 An-72 medium military transports and more than one hundred AN-12s in the fleet of the Russian military department.

By Alexey Ramm and Nikolay Surkov




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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #981 em: Outubro 25, 2017, 07:52:20 pm »
Um anda a etanol e o outro a vodka ;D
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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #982 em: Novembro 06, 2017, 04:38:45 pm »
Um anda a etanol e o outro a vodka ;D

 :rir: , mas no nosso é movido a Cachaça.



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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #983 em: Novembro 09, 2017, 07:54:33 am »
First Prototype Of Brazilian KC-390 Military Cargo Aircraft Almost Crashed During Stall Tests Last Month

By David Cenciotti
Pilots of the KC-390 were only able to recover the aircraft 300 meters from the ground.
Embraer has grounded the first prototype of the new KC-390 military cargo jet after a stall test incident on Oct. 12. According to the Brazilian planemaker, the scheduled test pushed the aircraft beyond its operating limits, however Brazilian Aero Magazine media outlet, that has talked to an engineer involved in the project who asked to remain anonymous, something else happened in the skies near Embraer Unidade Gavião Peixoto Airport, the private airport located near Gavião Peixoto, Brazil, owned and operated by Embraer: an incident that almost ended in a tragedy.

As reported by Aero Magazine, the KC-390 registered PT-ZNF was performing critical pre-stall tests, that involved high-AOA (Angle Of Attack) and  ice formation on wings. During the maneuver, an equipment used for the tests, detached from its place and rolled to the back of the cargo compartment causing a sudden change in the center of gravity (CG) of the aircraft. As a consequence of the rapid displacement of the CG the pilots lost control of the airlifter, that stalled and started to spin towards the ground. Reportedly, the pilots were able to recover the aircraft as it was only 1,000 feet (about 300 m) above the ground, and landed the KC-390 safely in Gavião Peixoto airfield.

Analysis of the track based on the KC-390 ADS-B transponder using the popular plane-tracking website suggests that the cargo prototype plunged from about 20,000 feet to around 3,000 feet, between 13.25UTC and 13.28UTC, with a peak vertical speed of -30,976 fpm. However, based on the ADS-B raw data, the area where the test flight was taking place is not covered by receivers at altitudes below 2,800 feet, therefore it is possible that the aircraft was recovered well below 3,000 ft and that the transponder signal was detected once the aircraft had climbed again to a safe altitude after recovering from the spin.


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #984 em: Novembro 09, 2017, 11:04:22 am »
"Todos os sistemas da aeronave se comportaram conforme o esperado durante todo o voo. Após inspeções detalhadas, nenhum dano à estrutura principal da aeronave foi encontrado. Algumas carenagens externas e janelas de inspeção foram danificadas e precisarão ser reparadas antes que a aeronave retorne aos voos", explicou.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



Charlie Jaguar

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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #985 em: Novembro 09, 2017, 11:40:20 am »
Agora qual das versões é a correcta?  ::)
Saudações Aeronáuticas,
Charlie Jaguar

"(...) Que, havendo por verdade o que dizia,

Luís Vaz de Camões (Os Lusíadas, Canto I - Estrofe 97)


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #986 em: Novembro 09, 2017, 12:04:50 pm »
Já li várias coisas, o porquê do avião ter feito o que fez já está mais ou menos descoberto, agora as consequências é que não. Uns falavam que este avião iria ficar inutilizado para voar, já que todas as tolerâncias foram ultrapassadas, danificando a estrutura do avião. Esta última versão já dizem algo bastante diferente e que depois de alguns arranjos, o dito avião continuará a voar e o projecto não sofre qualquer atraso.

7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #987 em: Novembro 10, 2017, 12:10:32 pm »

Uma coisa é certa: este incidente levou a aeronave a ultrapassar os seus limites aerodinâmicos e apesar disso não se despenhou, algo prevenido decerto também pela destreza da sua tripulação.  ;)
Saudações Aeronáuticas,
Charlie Jaguar

"(...) Que, havendo por verdade o que dizia,

Luís Vaz de Camões (Os Lusíadas, Canto I - Estrofe 97)
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Vitor Santos


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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #988 em: Novembro 10, 2017, 01:43:33 pm »

Uma coisa é certa: este incidente levou a aeronave a ultrapassar os seus limites aerodinâmicos e apesar disso não se despenhou, algo prevenido decerto também pela destreza da sua tripulação.  ;)

Justo. Iria dizer exatamente isso. Mas pelo fato de eu ser brasileiro acabei me hesitando para que não achassem que estava de 'patriotada'. Ou como vocês dizem aí em Portugal: patriotismo bacoco. 



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Re: Projecto Embraer C-390
« Responder #989 em: Novembro 10, 2017, 03:32:03 pm »
Diria mais, não só a tripulação mostrou a sua excelente destreza e sangue frio, mas a própria aeronave sobreviveu quando exposta a um cenário extremo e para o qual não foi concebida. No entanto, continuo a achar que não é melhor solução para a FAP: tem pernas curtas (raio de acção operacional relativamente curto para as nossas necessidades); desadequado para FF (mas, neste caso, uma característica comum a qualquer outra aeronave da mesma categoria); capacidades que pouco servem para as nossas necessidades, como o reabastecimento aéreo; e por último preferia que, mais uma vez, não fossemos cobaias para equipamento militar não testado (vide casos Pandur II e EC635).
Talent de ne rien faire
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Charlie Jaguar, Get_It