Novo blindado 4x4

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« Responder #30 em: Setembro 27, 2007, 04:03:01 pm »
Eu falei no RG-31 e no RG-32 porque ambos estão no site da General Dynamics.



Cabeça de Martelo

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« Responder #31 em: Setembro 27, 2007, 04:07:24 pm »
E tb o PANDUR 6x6... c34x
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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« Responder #32 em: Setembro 27, 2007, 04:14:34 pm »
Fotos de veiculos 4x4, link's interessantes e novos modelos Panhard...

Exactly which one of the above vehicles will stand up to a planted 155 artillery shell EID? Especially the 155 EID planted under the road bed? See, I have a different view of things. Being as how I have witnessed several land mine explosions under all kinds of vehicles and having witnessed one from overly close range from inside the vehicle, I don't think there is much point in trying to exert yourself trying resist such things. You build stronger armor, they build bigger EIDs or land mines and the next thing you know your are all running around in 10 mph Matildas with 8" armor plate all about. The solution is to use good anti mine practices, keep your vehicles spread apart, kill the miners as you find them, keep strategic surveillance a priority (God knows, the technology certainly is at hand for this) and quit being so darned predictable in your travels (see the first suggestion). Some armor is good, I don't deny that. But, eventually, it comes to a toppers as to what is possible. As for most RPG rounds in the ME being anti-personnel types and of little threat to armored vehicles, I find that a fascinating comment.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur



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« Responder #33 em: Setembro 27, 2007, 09:57:52 pm »
Já agora mais uns prá fogueira....




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« Responder #34 em: Setembro 28, 2007, 06:08:22 pm »
Eu acho o RG-32M "engraçado" mas parece que ainda não tem o casco em V




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« Responder #35 em: Setembro 28, 2007, 06:28:18 pm »
Só espero que não seja o hummer.

Mais um exemplo.

These are pictures of a Slovene Armoured Humvee. It was originally reported as having struck a mine, but later SSE determined that it was in fact a pressure plate IED. Pressure plate IED's allow an insurgent to use an AT mine or similar device to target a specific portion of a vehicle or allow them to target the weaker vehicles in a convoy by having the escort vehicle initiate a device aimed at the soft targets. In this case it was designed to be initiated by the front wheel and explode under the passenger compartment. Keep in mind this was a factory armoured Humvee and not an uparmoured one:




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4 X 4
« Responder #36 em: Setembro 29, 2007, 01:55:21 pm »
Tudo bem,

Eu particularmente gosto dos RG-32.Mas de repente a FABREQUIPA,pode desenvolver algo na versão 4 x 4.



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« Responder #37 em: Setembro 29, 2007, 02:16:25 pm »
Isso iria custar muito dinheiro, é mais prático, rápido e barato construir sob licença tal como se está a fazer para os Pandur.  :wink:
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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« Responder #38 em: Setembro 29, 2007, 02:21:13 pm »
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Isso iria custar muito dinheiro, é mais prático, rápido e barato construir sob licença tal como se está a fazer para os Pandur.  :idea:




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« Responder #39 em: Outubro 06, 2007, 12:43:26 am »
A propósito de compras de veículos...

 Australia Taps Winners for $2.6B Vehicle Program
By Gregor Ferguson, SYDNEY

BAE Systems, Daimler Chrysler and local firm Haulmark Trailers Australia have been chosen to replace most of the Australian Defence Force’s current fleet of trucks, trailers and utility vehicles in a program worth $3 billion Australian ($2.65 billion).
Defense Minister Brendan Nelson announced in Brisbane on Oct. 5 that the Australian army will acquire approximately 1,000 Mercedes Benz G-Wagen four-wheel-drive and six-wheel-drive utility vehicles, 2,400 Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) trucks from BAE Systems Mobility and Protection Systems (formerly Armor Holdings), and 3,000 trailers of different sizes from Brisbane-based Haulmark.
Exact numbers and configuration remain subject to contract negotiations, which are expected to take about six months. The vehicles will be acquired under Phase 3 of Project Overlander, which also logged an order in August for 250 armored and mine-protected Bushmaster Infantry Mobility Vehicles (IMV), worth $300 million Australian, from Thales Australia here.
“Many specialist vehicle modules, trailers and all the Bushmasters will be produced in Australia,” Nelson said. “This Australian portion is worth approximately 800 million [Australian dollars].
“When deployed on operations, the vehicles will be capable of being fitted with enhanced protection to reduce the risk to our service men and women from threats such as suicide bombers, improvised explosive devices, land mines, bullets and other projectiles,” he added.
The new trucks will progressively replace the Australian Defence Force’s current inventory of Mercedes Benz Unimog 4-ton trucks and Mack and International heavy trucks and semi-trailers.
Phases 4 and 5 of Project Overlander are slated for funding approval in 2010 and 2012, respectively, according to the head of Project Overlander, Brigadier David O’Brien.
Phase 4 will see the acquisition of a further 1,200 armored light vehicles in the 1- and 2-ton payload class worth an estimated $1.2 billion Australian, he said, while Phase 5 will see the acquisition of about 2,000 unprotected, commercial off-the-shelf trucks and utility vehicles worth about $300 million Australian. These will be used for training and low-risk logistics tasks, he said.
“Protection is a key aspect of Overlander,” O’Brien said. While the G-Wagen four- and six-wheel-drive vehicles will be only lightly protected, many of the 5-, 10- and 16-ton payload FMTVs and semi-trailers will have armored cabs or be capable of carrying Survivability Enhancement Kits (SEK) to protect their crews and occupants in high-threat environments.
The 1,200 protected vehicles to be acquired under Phase 4 of Project Overlander, along with the 1,000 G-Wagens to be ordered under Phase 3, will replace the Army’s current fleet of soft-skinned Landrover four- and six-wheel-drive vehicles. However, O’Brien said, the Special Forces’ long-range patrol vehicles, which are based on the Landrover six-wheel design, will not be replaced under Project Overlander.
A separate, classified procurement program, Project Redfin, is charged with re-equipping the Special Air Service Regiment and the Army’s two commando regiments with new and upgraded vehicles, weapons, communications and other mission equipment, O’Brien said.
Sources at BAE Systems Australia, Adelaide, and DaimlerChrysler Australia/Pacific, Melbourne, said the exact number and configurations of the vehicles to be ordered in Phase 3 would be subject to contract negotiations. The value of Project Overlander to BAE Systems is estimated to be between $1 billion Australian and $1.5 billion Australian, the company said in a statement Oct. 5, and includes payload modules, technical services and spare parts.
It’s likely that most of the vehicles ordered under Phase 3 of Project Overlander will be imported fully assembled and fitted with specialist role equipment such as winches, radios and specialized payload modules in Australia.



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« Responder #40 em: Outubro 12, 2007, 12:21:19 pm »
Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...


Cabeça de Martelo

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« Responder #41 em: Outubro 12, 2007, 12:25:30 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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« Responder #42 em: Outubro 12, 2007, 10:50:48 pm »
Citação de: "Luso"
Parece ter pinta! ... 202007.pdf

É engraçado, e sonhar é bonito :lol:
Potius mori quam foedari



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« Responder #43 em: Outubro 13, 2007, 12:42:15 pm »
Também gostei.



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« Responder #44 em: Outubro 13, 2007, 05:38:20 pm »
bem e porque andar sempre a meter dinheiro fora, e a deixar morrer o que temos?UMM ainda andam ai e nada tinham a ver com o novo projecto que iria ser novador, porque insitir em meter dinheiro fora e nao apostar no que temos??acho triste ver fotos de jipes feitos em portugal com equipamentos que nunca vi nas terras lusas, mas equipam ainda exercitos no exterior....
green barets