Westland à venda....

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Westland à venda....
« em: Maio 27, 2004, 10:42:55 pm »
GKN confirms Westland stake sale

Westland makes Apache and Lynx helicopters
Engineering group GKN has confirmed it is ready to sell its 50% stake in helicopter- maker AgustaWestland to its Italian joint-venture partner.
The company said it had agreed in principle to a £1.06bn deal to offload the Yeovil-based aerospace group to engineer Finmeccanica.

GKN said this "transforming move" would allow it to cut debts and focus on strengthening its other businesses.

The move signals the end of British ownership in the helicopter industry.

The company hopes to make new acquisitions to boost its car business and other aerospace ventures, with reports suggesting it is considering making acquisitions in the US.

End of an era

Long before Westland merged with Agusta, the company was at the centre of a political storm.

The so-called Westland affair in the mid-1980s led to the resignation of former Defence Secretary Michael Heseltine.

It is the right price at the right time

Kevin Smith, chief executive

Mr Heseltine quit Margaret Thatcher's government following a row over a rescue package for the company which was suffering from serious financial problems.

But the company survived and eventually Westland and Agusta joined together in 2000, creating a company with an order book totalling £5.33bn.

AgustaWestland currently ranks as the world's second largest helicopter maker.

It is currently bidding to supply the White House with new helicopters, including the aircraft used by the US president.

The sale to Finmeccanica leaves the industry dominated by North American and continental European manufacturers such as Sikorsky, Boeing, Bell and EADS-owned Eurocopter.

Commenting on the sale, GKN chief executive Kevin Smith said: "AgustaWestland has created tremendous value for its shareholders. Today's agreement allows each of us to take advantage of that value.

"It is the right price at the right time."

"Esta é a ditosa pátria minha amada."


Fábio G.

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« Responder #1 em: Maio 28, 2004, 10:26:22 pm »
Finmeccanica: Heads of Agreement signed for acquisition of GKN’s 50% stake in AgustaWestland

Rome, 26 May 2004

Finmeccanica today announces that it has signed a Heads of Agreement (HoA) with GKN p.l.c. containing the main terms for the acquisition of the latter’s 50% shareholding in AgustaWestland, the world’s leading helicopter company, which was established in 2001 as a fifty-fifty joint venture. Under the terms of the HoA, Finmeccanica would acquire GKN’s shareholding in AgustaWestland on the basis of a cash consideration of £1,001,5 million (approximately Euros 1,506 million) subsequent to obtaining all the normal regulatory clearances, as well as approval by GKN shareholders. Finmeccanica will furthermore acquire real estate assets currently owned by GKN and already utilised by the joint venture for a sum of £62 million (approximately Euros 93 million).
The agreed consideration presupposes the award by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the “Future Lynx” contract to re-equip the British Army and Royal Navy with a fleet of re-manufactured Lynx helicopters. In the event that the contract is not awarded the consideration will be adjusted downward by £35 million (approximately Euros 53 million).

Finmeccanica and GKN expect to achieve completion of the transaction by year end.

Finmeccanica intends to strengthen its industrial positioning by pursuing its growth strategy in the Aerospace & Defence sectors in line with its stated strategic objectives. Finmeccanica will acquire full control of a high quality asset which it already knows very well from both an operational and strategic standpoint. At the same time, Finmeccanica will directly increase its exposure to the US and UK defence budgets.

The operation will be financed with recourse to long term debt, and through the monetisation of a part of Finmeccanica’s stake in STMicroelectronics N.V. (“STM”, listed on the Milan, Paris and New York Stock Exchanges). Between 50 and 55 million shares will be placed by Finmeccanica, through operations carried out at market conditions, with eligible Italian counterparties, as defined in the current Shareholders Agreement, in order to assure the joint management of the stake in STM by the French and Italian shareholders

Finmeccanica has been assisted by Merrill Lynch as the sole financial advisor on this transaction.

Source: Finmeccanica


Rui Elias

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« Responder #2 em: Junho 23, 2004, 02:22:51 pm »
Por causa disto, o mais provavel é que os nossos futuros EH 101 acabem por sair mais caros, ou então, atrazam-se na entrega.


Ricardo Nunes

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« Responder #3 em: Junho 23, 2004, 02:49:22 pm »
Citação de: "Rui Elias"
Por causa disto, o mais provavel é que os nossos futuros EH 101 acabem por sair mais caros, ou então, atrazam-se na entrega.

Mais caros é impossível Rui, o projecto já está assinado. O programa dos EH-101 avança a todo o vapor. O 1º chega em Setembro. Os nossos EH-101 estão a ser construído nas instalações da Agusta em Itália e não na Grã-Bretanha na Westland ( onde estão a ser construídos os EH-101 dinamarqueses ).
Ricardo Nunes


Rui Elias

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« Responder #4 em: Junho 23, 2004, 03:29:50 pm »
Haja Deus, Ricardo, haja Deus!! :wink:


Fábio G.

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« Responder #5 em: Julho 30, 2004, 04:57:05 pm »
Segurança e Defesa

28 de julho de 2004

AgustaWestland agora é italiana

O grupo italiano Finmeccanica anunciou no dia 26 de julho ter assinado os acordos definitivos com a GKN plc britânica em relação à aquisição da participação dessa última (50%) na Agusta Westland N.V. (como havia sido divulgado em 26 de maio último), ao preço de €1.001,5 milhões (aproximadamente 1.506 milhões de Euros). Além disso, a Finmeccanica adquirirá por _62 milhões (aproximadamente 93 milhões de Euros) imóveis pertencentes à GKN e que já são utilizados pela “joint venture”. Desse total, _35 milhões serão “devolvidos” à Finmeccanica na forma de uma redução de preço caso o Ministério da Defesa britânico não conceda à AgustaWestland o contrato do Future Lynx. A transação — cuja concretização final está prevista para o final de 2004 — ainda deverá ser aprovada pelos acionistas da GKN, e deverá cumprir os trâmites regulamentares.