Serviços Secretos Britanicos

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Death Angel

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Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« em: Abril 14, 2008, 09:37:52 pm »
Eu leio uns livros em que falam sobre umas crianças que pertencem ao ramo juvenil do MI5 britânico! É a serie da CHERUB se alguem conhecer! Lá falam de umas crianças que são treinadas para missoes de infiltração entre muitas outras coisas! EU agora gostava de saber se o MI5 tem um ramo juvenil ou se os livros são só fachada????? CUMPRIMENTOS  :o


Cabeça de Martelo

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« Responder #1 em: Abril 14, 2008, 10:28:07 pm »

Hollywood está a dar a volta a cabeça a muito boa pessoa.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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« Responder #2 em: Abril 15, 2008, 12:18:36 am »
se conduzem aston martin... e verdade!



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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #3 em: Abril 15, 2008, 11:29:29 pm »
Citação de: "deathangel1993"
EU agora gostava de saber se o MI5 tem um ramo juvenil ou se os livros são só fachada?????

Essa pergunta foi feita para lhe darem uma resposta concreta e com certeza?
Talvez seja melhor arranjar o contacto do MI5 e fazer a pergunta a eles mesmo...



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« Responder #4 em: Maio 08, 2008, 02:35:55 am »



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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #5 em: Julho 22, 2013, 04:15:45 am »
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare




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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #6 em: Julho 30, 2013, 11:48:11 pm » ... spx?id=203

Mandarin Chinese Language Vacancies JOB ALERT


Ref:RV Update Me


Salary:£30,000 including language allowance

Closing date:30 August 2013

The roles
MI5 Mandarin Intelligence Analyst

As a Mandarin intelligence analyst at MI5, you’ll be a core member of the investigative team. Your work will involve translating a wide variety of challenging audio and textual material from Mandarin Chinese into English. You’ll listen to Mandarin Chinese language telephone calls and work with written documents intercepted under warrant, and your translations and analysis will feed directly into the team’s investigations. Your linguistic skills will enable us to make the right choices to help safeguard national security.

This role will stretch you like no other and you’ll develop not only your Mandarin Chinese but also a range of other workplace skills in a supportive environment that is both friendly and informal. Every day you’ll be exposed to new subtleties and nuances in the Mandarin Chinese language, new terminology, new political, cultural and social differences.

Using your specialist Mandarin Chinese language skills and your knowledge of China’s cultural affairs, history, politics, ideology and economy, you will add real understanding to the intelligence that has been gathered and deliver clear analysis in a variety of ways. Your work will enable us to take a well-informed view of potential threats to national security, including terrorism and espionage.

As your experience grows and following relevant training and development you should have the opportunity to become more directly involved in investigations, working closely with colleagues from across the wider UK intelligence community and presenting on your work to other departments or agencies.

Your linguistic skills and cultural awareness will be invaluable as you’II be asked to contribute to team discussions on how to progress investigations. You also may be involved in providing interpreting support for agent meetings or assisting with delivering realistic training for our agent runners, all of which will enable you to gain a deeper understanding of what is fascinating work.

If you would like to develop as a Mandarin Chinese investigator, then a few years down the line you’ll have the opportunity to take our internal investigative assessment centre. If you are successful, you could go on to develop as an investigative officer within the team, drawing upon your Mandarin Chinese language skills and wider knowledge of Chinese culture and current affairs. You’ll help piece together intelligence and make informed decisions on a daily basis that will help to protect national security.

Later in your career you could also have the opportunity to take further assessments and training to undertake operational work such as agent running.

MI6 Mandarin Language Specialist

As a Mandarin linguist in the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6), your language skills will make a key contribution to the work of the operational team you’ll be embedded in. The work is both fascinating and rewarding: fascinating as you will be working with subject matters that lie at the heart of world events; and rewarding as you will be the person making intelligence accessible to people throughout the Service.

As well as translating from both written and spoken sources, which will initially be the core of your work, you will have the opportunity to get involved in interpreting, language training, open source research, and using your expertise to help other government agencies. You will also have opportunity to take on more direct operational work if you have the desire and aptitude and, although the larger part of your career is likely to be spent in London, there are opportunities to work overseas.

The skills

Whether you developed your Mandarin Chinese language skills at home as you were growing up, whilst living or working abroad or through academic study, you have a genuine passion for languages. You’ll thrive on the challenge of applying your Mandarin Chinese language skills on a daily basis to provide expert support to investigative officers.

The language tests on our website are indicative of the level of Mandarin Chinese you will need to be successful as a Mandarin Chinese linguist at MI5 or MI6. Your language ability will enable you, for example, to comfortably read newspaper articles and understand news broadcasts in Mandarin Chinese.

You’ll be able to translate from Mandarin Chinese into clear, well-drafted and balanced written reports in English, drawing out the relevant points from sometimes lengthy pieces of material. You’ll also be confident verbally briefing investigative and operational teams and other colleagues across the intelligence agencies.

Enthusiasm, flexibility and team-working are all important. You’Il have an analytical and enquiring mindset, sound judgment and good attention to detail. We will support your learning and development at every opportunity, through both internal and external Mandarin Chinese language training.

Recruitment process

First, we strongly advise you to check your suitability for the role. We have developed a test that reflects the nature of the work of Mandarin Chinese linguists at MI5 and MI6. The challenge will enable you to check your Mandarin Chinese language comprehension skills and ability to recall detail.

If you then wish to apply, the first thing we will ask you to do is complete our pre-screening questions to see if you meet our initial eligibility criteria. lf you do, we will then ask you to begin an application. You’ll need to create an online login. You can do this by providing your full name, email address and a memorable password. Once you have successfully created a personal account, you will be required to complete an online application form.

As well as basic biographical details and your education and employment history to date, you will need to provide details of your Mandarin Chinese language skills and any other languages you have learned. You will be asked how you learned the language, how you currently use your language skills and to what standard you can speak, read and write these languages and dialects. You will also be asked about your interest in the Mandarin Chinese language and culture and what appeals to you about using Mandarin Chinese in your work.

On the application form you will be able to specify whether you wish to be considered for Mandarin Chinese vacancies at MI5, MI6 or both agencies. At this stage, we cannot guarantee which agency you would join if you were to be successful, however we will explore this with you in the latter phases of the recruitment process and any other language skills you have may be taken into account at this stage.

Please note that if you have applied for a Mandarin Chinese vacancy at MI5, MI6 or GCHQ within the last 12 months and been unsuccessful at the language test stage, you will not be eligible to reapply for this role at this time.

Our recruitment team will complete an application sift to assess how far you meet the job specification. Successful applicants will be invited to attend a Mandarin Chinese language test to check whether or not you have the skills required to work as a Mandarin Chinese linguist within the intelligence agencies.

At the language test, we will assess your Mandarin Chinese language ability across a range of tasks. There is an emphasis on listening and reading comprehension, however we are also interested in your ability to write and speak in Mandarin Chinese.

Assuming you pass the Mandarin Chinese language test, you will then be invited to complete a short telephone interview to further explore your skills. You will then be asked to attend an assessment centre, which will include a face-to-face interview and other exercises. lf you pass the assessment centre, you will have a security interview with a vetting officer at a later date and then a final selection interview. You will also need to complete a hearing test.

Guaranteed Interview Scheme

As part of our commitment to the "Positive About Disabled People scheme" we offer an interview to all candidates with a disability who meet our minimum criteria for the job vacancy for which they are applying. This is known as the Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS).

Along with the standard eligibility requirements for this post, your application will be assessed on how far you meet the job specification based on your application and your Mandarin Chinese language ability. On successful completion of this stage, you will be invited to the Mandarin Chinese language test, which is our guaranteed interview.

Our partners

MI5 and MI6 work closely with the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). You may also wish to visit their website to find out about their Mandarin Chinese vacancies. To help you, we have included some information on their role below so you can assess where you feel your skills would be best suited.

Please note, you may apply for more than one Mandarin Chinese role within the intelligence agencies simultaneously. You should be aware, however, that the three agencies use the same language tests for Mandarin Chinese language vacancies. Therefore, if you are invited to language testing, your test results will be shared amongst the three agencies. You will only take one test.

Please note that if you are unsuccessful at the language testing stage of your application to one of the three agencies, you will not be eligible to reapply for Mandarin Chinese language vacancies at SIS, GCHQ or MI5 within a 12-month period.
Mandarin Language Analysts, GCHQ (Cheltenham)

Language Analysts play a key role in translating and analysing a large and diverse amount of foreign language material, often using their specialist knowledge and expertise to judge which pieces of information are of intelligence value. The work of Language Analysts is a vital component of GCHQ’s intelligence effort. GCHQ is a unique place to work because of the nature of its business. GCHQ intercepts and exploits telecommunications and electronic signals to provide defence and foreign intelligence to support national policy and British interests worldwide. To find out more, visit


To be able to apply, you must meet our residency criteria. You must be a born or naturalised British citizen and one of your parents must be a British citizen or have substantial ties to the UK.

Candidates must normally have been resident in the UK for eight out of the last ten years prior to application. This is particularly important if you were born outside the UK. You will nonetheless be considered if you have, for example, served overseas with HM Forces or in some other official capacity as a representative of Her Majesty’s Government, studied abroad or lived overseas with your parents.

Due to vetting requirements you will need to be 18 years old, or above, to apply. Your application may take around nine months to process.

Discretion is vital. You should not discuss your application, other than with your partner or a close family member.

We are committed to reflecting both equal opportunities and the society we protect.
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare




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"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare




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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #8 em: Setembro 22, 2013, 10:05:56 pm » ... na-s-death

EXCLUSIVE: Spy warns Scotland Yard will never solve mystery of Princess Diana's death

RENEGADE spy Richard Tomlinson last night broke cover from his French bolt-hole to urge Scotland Yard to drop its Princess Diana murder probe because it will get nowhere.

By: James Murray
Published: Sun, September 22, 2013

The 50-year-old former MI6 agent, once jailed for six months for breaching the Official Secrets Act, said: “I think they will wrap it up pretty quickly. I don’t think anything will come out of it.”

Cambridge graduate Mr Tomlinson upset former colleagues with his evidence at the Diana inquest in 2008 in which he revealed MI6 had training in how to use strobe lights to distract people.

He explained that he had trained with the Special Boat Service, whose sister organisation the SAS is now being investigated over allegations that Diana was murdered by them in a staged car crash.

At the SBS centre in Poole, Dorset, he saw “a piece of equipment that could give a very bright flashing light”.

He had added: “I was told at the time that this was used in case they wished to disorient, for example, a helicopter pilot on landing.”

While he was working for the secret service, a colleague came up with a plan to kill Serbian tyrant Slobodan Milosevic by staging a car crash in a tunnel using a strobe light.

“There was no doubt in my mind, when I read X’s proposal, that he was entirely ­serious about pursuing his plan. X was an ­ambitious and serious officer who would not frivolise his career by making such a proposal in jest or merely to impress me,” he told the Diana inquest.

His evidence via video link from France bolstered claims that the security services were behind the crash which killed Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Fayed in the Alma tunnel in Paris in August 1997.

As Scotland Yard this week continues its examination into the credibility of the alleg­ations against the SAS, Mr Tomlinson expressed serious doubts that its efforts would amount to a full investigation.

The allegations are made in a letter by the parents-in-law of a woman involved in a messy dispute with her estranged SAS ­partner.

Mr Tomlinson said: “It seems more about an argument with a wife more than anything. Someone trying to make some trouble, that’s the impression I got.

“I think it’s all hogwash. It is embarrassing for the SAS, really embarrassing.”

Moments before the crash that killed Diana, Dodi Al Fayed and Henri Paul [EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS]

Asked for his view on what happened in Paris, he replied: “I wasn’t there, so I don’t know. As I said right at the beginning, it has to be properly investigated which I think it has been.”

Mr Tomlinson wrote the book I Spy about his time in MI6 but was prosecuted for breaching the Official Secrets Act before it could be published. He had sent a synopsis to an Australian publisher that did not include detail on Princess Diana.

He was arrested in Milton Keynes in 1997 and jailed for a year after admitting breaching the act. Earlier, he was dismissed from MI6 but says he was not given reasons.

As well as giving information to French investigators, he briefed Scotland Yard, telling officers in 2005: “I would firstly like to state that MI6 do have the capacity to stage accidents, whether by helicopter, aeroplane or car, and also that the strobe light was shown to us by the SBS at Poole.”

Mr Tomlinson now lives in France and works as a pilot.
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare




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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #9 em: Novembro 08, 2013, 06:35:04 pm »



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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #10 em: Dezembro 15, 2013, 04:32:31 pm »
um saloio da rainha apanhado

Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:52
Iran Arrests MI6 Spy

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran announced on Saturday that it has arrested a member of the British spy agency, MI6.
“With God’s assistance and power, the spy was arrested after some months of complex intelligence moves,” Head of Kerman’s Revolutionary Court Dadkhoda Salari told FNA today.

He said that the arrested spy has had "20 meetings" with British intelligence officers in and out of Iran, providing them with the needed intelligence and receiving instructions for harming Iran’s national interests.

The judiciary official did not name the arrested MI6 agent, but said he was assigned to collect intelligence and harm Iran in various cultural, economic, political and security areas.

Noting that the arrested agent has had contacts with "5 British intelligence officers", Salari said his trial is underway while he has confessed to his crimes.

In 2010, Former Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar underlined that the US, Israeli and British spy agencies have been directly involved in the terrorist attacks against the country's scientists.

"As regards the recent terrorist moves, the involvement of Mossad, CIA and MI6 can clearly be seen," Najjar told reporters at the time.

"In the same regard, we have arrested a number of elements and are doing the necessary follow-ups to arrest the main culprits behind these terrorist acts," he noted.

In the fifth attack of its kind in two years, a magnetic bomb was attached to the door of 32-year-old Iranian scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan Behdast's car in the capital in January 2012. His driver was also killed.

Roshan Behdast was the fifth Iranian scientist assassinated since 2007. The January 2012 blast took place on the second anniversary of the martyrdom of Iranian university professor and nuclear scientist, Massoud Ali Mohammadi, who was also assassinated in a terrorist bomb attack in Tehran in January 2010.

The assassination method used in the bombing was similar to the 2010 terrorist bomb attacks against the university professor, Fereidoun Abbassi Davani, and his colleague Majid Shahriari. Abbasi Davani survived the attack, while Shahriari was martyred.

Another Iranian scientist, Dariush Rezaeinejad, was also assassinated through the same method on 23 July 2011.

Iran has blamed the CIA, MI6 and the Israeli Mossad agency for the terror attacks on the lives of its scientists.


Carlos Rendel

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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #11 em: Dezembro 19, 2013, 07:57:11 pm »

        Com a captura de uma máquina de códigos ENIGMA,retirada de um U-Boot que se rendeu e,não tendo o Comandante o

        ensejo de a destruir,foi caír nas mãos do Serviço de Inteligência Militar.  O  SIM    remeteu-a para Bletchey Park,centro

        de descodificação de  Mensagens emitidas pelo  IN. A mesma descodificadora ao ser objecto de estudo  por matemáticos

        e  engenheiros  levou meses para revelar o seu segredo,i.e. os códigos militares, abrangendo igualmente  a Marinha

        e a RAF com algumas  alterações. Tinha finalmente  o Reino Unido  uma arma  para mudar o curso  da guerra  e que no

       dizer dos técnicos encurtou a guerra em dois anos.Os alemães bem apregoaram  deter  armas  que  estavam em  fabrico

       aviões a jacto,submarinos invisíveis,foguetes anti tanque. Mas a Enigma seria a arma



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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #12 em: Dezembro 19, 2013, 09:03:38 pm »
Essa formatação de texto é que continua...  :amazing:

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #13 em: Dezembro 20, 2013, 07:45:45 pm »
na russia usam a amnistia , nos gula.... quer dizer guantanamo continuam os episodios aberrantes. ate um ex-agente do MI6 veio a publico fazer greve de fome e arrependido de ter pertencido ao bando dos saloios gentleman M&M sem respeito pelos direitos humanos.

Ex-MI6 officer Harry Ferguson ends week-long hunger strike in support of Guantanamo detainees

on 19 August 2013

Former MI6 operative Harry Ferguson completed his week-long hunger strike in support of Guantánamo detainees yesterday, August 18th.  His actions were in solidarity with those hunger-striking at Guantánamo Bay in protest against their indefinite detention without trial or charge.  Ferguson’s strike was specifically aimed at raising awareness for the plight of Shaker Aamer, a British resident who has been detained for over 11 years despite having been cleared for release under both the Obama and Bush administrations.  

Ferguson’s hunger strike gained a wave of media attention, as his story was published in news outlets in the US, Europe, and the Middle East. He gave an interview on ITV News detailing his experience and motivations.

The 52-year old former operative says he was was driven by a regret that "the organisation of which I was once proud to be a member now supports policies including assassination, rendition, torture and detention without trial".

Over the course of the last week, he recounted constant pain from stomach cramps, headaches, his energy zero “dropping to zero”, dizziness, nausea, severe weakness, and bizarre dreams. “But it doesn’t matter”, he wrote on August 11, because “I know I don’t have to face the horror of someone ramming a steel-tipped feeding tube down my throat. By comparison with that, simply being hungry seems almost pathetic.”

On the last day of his strike, Ferguson wrote in his blog, “While I can end my hunger strike, Shaker and the other protesters in Guantánamo are trapped in theirs. They will continue to be tortured each and every day. Denied justice every day. Breaking my fast now doesn’t feel like a victory, it feels like leaving a man behind.

“Great victories are only won by small, often imperceptible steps. I know that my fast doesn’t mean that much, but added to those of all the other people who are fasting in support and added to all the efforts Reprieve are making in other areas, something can still change. We just have to keep fighting. I know I will.”

Ferguson is one of a growing number of people who have gone on hunger strike as part of Reprieve’s #StandFast for Justice Campaign, which supports the Guantánamo Bay hunger-strikers by encouraging supporters to give up food temporarily. Other participants include Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle, actress Julie Christie, and Reprieve Director Clive Stafford-Smith.

Shaker Aamer has been on hunger strike for more than 170 days. Stafford-Smith, Aamer's lawyer, welcomed Ferguson's efforts to draw attention to Aamer's plight. "It is a big deal that someone who is so linked in with MI6 is willing to make such a strong statement," he said.

 View all of Mr. Ferguson's entries on his blog at



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Re: Serviços Secretos Britanicos
« Responder #14 em: Abril 10, 2014, 10:11:40 am »
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare