Exercise NOBLE ARDENT 08 (NAT 08), a large scale NATO Response Force (NRF) Air Component Command (ACC) exercise, will be held on several Air Bases in France from 06 to 16 October 2008. Additional units across Germany and UK will also actively participate in the exercise.NAT 08 is a live exercise (LIVEX) designed to provide force integration and combat readiness training for the Air Forces allocated to NATO Response Force (NRF) rotation 12. The exercise has been designed to prepare assigned forces for their role by exercising in a challenging environment the interoperability and capability requirements necessary for the force to operate safely and effectively across the full spectrum of potential NRF missions. The exercise scenario is based on a NRF Initial Entry Operation into a fictitious state, a scenario specifically designed for this exercise.The aim of NAT 08 is to confirm and validate the interoperability, readiness and capability of NRF 12 assigned forces under the command of the NRF 12 ACC by exercising NRF missions and tasks in a demanding and realistic scenario.Air units from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Turkey and the USA will participate in NAT 08. France will host the exercise and the French Air Defence and Air Operations Command will assume the role of NRF Air Component Command (NRF ACC). Over 100 aircraft ranging from fighters, helicopters, tankers and airborne early warning aircraft are planned to participate from across 17 Air bases; 13 of which are located in France plus two others in Germany and two in the UK. In addition, tactical employment of Theatre Missile Defence (TMD) and Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD) assets will be extensively exercised.Allied Air Component Command Izmir (CC-Air Izmir) is the headquarters conducting the exercise.
Chegada a Mont-de-Marsan: http://www.jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6381091 http://www.jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=6381078
Algumas imagens dos Jaguares em França:Fonte: http://www.foxalpha.com/forums/index.php
Belas fotos, mas há uma pequena incorreção...
não sabia que portugal já tinha f16's em pleno seculo 19.... realmente olha que! :twisted: