Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios

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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2175 em: Fevereiro 07, 2019, 07:39:51 am »
USA comienza los trámites para reemplazar sus armas de escuadra y sus carabinas M4:
A España servir hasta morir



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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2176 em: Fevereiro 09, 2019, 03:35:07 pm »
Glock 17 Survives 18-Year, 250,000-Round Torture Test Including 6 Months in Ocean


"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil
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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2177 em: Março 08, 2019, 07:10:48 am »
La India producirá fusiles de asalto Kalashnikov serie 200 en colaboración con la empresa rusa Rosoboronexport.

El gobierno de la India abrirá una nueva fábrica para la producción de rifles
de asalto Kalashnikov de la serie 200 en Korwa, en el estado indio de Uttar
Pradesh, según ha anunciado la corporación estatal rusa Rostec el lunes 4
de marzo.
El primer ministro indio, Narendra Modi, estuvo presente en la ceremonia de
colocación de la primera piedra de la nueva planta que producirá armas para
reemplazar el INSAS (Indian National Small Arms Systems. Sistema
Nacional Indio de Armas Ligeras) en servicio.
La nueva planta, Indo­Russian Rifles Private Limited, es una empresa de
riesgo compartido entre la Junta de Fábricas de Artillería de la India (OFB),
la rusa Rosoboronexport y el Grupo Kalashnikov creado por Rostec. Todas
las operaciones de la nueva JV (Joint Venture) están avaladas por las leyes
y regulaciones de la India.
Los Kalashnikovs de la serie 200 se introdujeron en el mercado internacional
a principios de este año. Son totalmente compatibles con los requisitos
modernos en términos de ergonomía y compatibilidad con accesorios
Según la empresa rusa Rostec, India será el primer país en lanzar la
producción de la serie 200 de la marca Kalashnikov.
Alexander Mikheev, CEO de Rosoboronexport, comentó: ‘La puesta en
marcha de la empresa participada para la producción del AK­203 es un gran
paso adelante en nuestra asociación en el marco de la iniciativa’ Hecho en
la India’. La planta de Corwa será una de las empresas de armas pequeñas
más avanzadas de la OFB que ya está en funcionamiento. Con una
producción de 750.000 piezas aprobadas, la mayoría de los componentes
principales vendrán de la India’.
A España servir hasta morir


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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2178 em: Março 26, 2019, 01:06:52 pm »
Estando interessado em adquirir uma arma de defesa pessoal será que me podem ajudar a encontrar um armeiro onde possa adquirir uma GLOCK?



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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2179 em: Março 26, 2019, 05:53:44 pm »
Estando interessado em adquirir uma arma de defesa pessoal será que me podem ajudar a encontrar um armeiro onde possa adquirir uma GLOCK?

Escusava de divulgar o mail :)

Já tem licença de uso e porte de arma de defesa? (seja civil ou militar, precisa da licença, caso contrário e quando muito, só pode utilizar a arma de serviço se lhe permitirem).

Se realmente já tiver a licença, só pode comprar armas de calibre ,25 (6,35mm) ou ,32 (7,65mm, as munições magnum são proibidas, tem de usar sw) e ...... a Glock só produz armas de 9mm ou superior!

Calibres de 9mm ou superiores, são proibidos para defesa, só são permitidos no tiro desportivo (IPSC) e só para quem tem licença desportiva classe C.

Locais de compra de armas, depende do local, mas os armeiros mais conhecidos são:
Cacicambra (Santa Maria da Feira);
A. Montez (Lisboa).


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2180 em: Março 27, 2019, 12:59:08 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2181 em: Março 28, 2019, 03:49:44 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2182 em: Abril 04, 2019, 05:14:18 pm »

Acho que o Cabeça ainda não tinha colocado este.

Diferenças nas posições de tiro.

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2183 em: Abril 09, 2019, 06:01:33 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2184 em: Maio 04, 2019, 05:44:53 pm »
Modernised assult rifle versions to be fielded in brigade-level units

Over the past two years, the functionalities of the Finnish-made assault rifle RK 62 have undergone modernisation for optimised utilisability. The new modernised versions of the assault rifle will now be fielded as part of conscript training provided in all Finnish Defence Forces’ brigade-level units

Initiated back in 2015, the assault rifle modernisation aims for optimised utilisability of firearm functionalities and increased service life. The key improvements implemented involve an adjustable stock for bespoke adjustment, connectivity with dismounted combatant equipment as well as modern interface mounts and rails for mounting optics and accessories.

As part of this modernisation, the assault rifle 7.62 RK 62M acquired an adjustable stock, a new fire selector, an optical sight mount, and a tactical sling. In addition, the versions M2 and M3 feature a new fore-end hand guard and a flash suppressor. All the versions of this assault rifle are equipped with optical sights.

With its start in the Guard Jaeger Regiment in 2011, the modernisation involved testing the subsequent assault rifle development versions in the Finnish Army brigade-level units as well as in the Finnish Air Force. The strategic partner of the Finnish Defence Forces, Millog Ltd, was tasked with this assault rifle modernisation that has enabled the Finnish Defence Forces to increase cost-effectively the fire power of dismounted infantry soldiers by means of improved end-user ergonomics, firing engagement speed and mounting of accessories.

The main versions of the modernised assault rifle, namely, RK 62 M1 and RK 62 M2, both feature mounts for optics and general accessories. Of the two, it is the version M1 that will be most frequently utilised as it is designed for first-line dismounted troops, whereas the version M2 equipped with a new flash suppressor and a fore-end hand guard will cater for combat in built-up areas. Furthermore, a breach muzzle brake can be attached to the new flash suppressor allowing for breaking, for instance, concrete steel by firing. Moreover, the fore-end hand guard carries rails that enable mounting bespoke accessories as applicable. Meanwhile, the version M3 features continuing development relating to the coating and hue of the assault rifle.

On the battlefield, the assault rifle stands for the most critical tool and life assurance of every soldier. For more than five decades now, the backbone of our infantry equals the Finnish-made assault rifle RK 62. While modernising this firearm, we have retained both its mode of operation and ammunition. By means of modernisation, the Finnish Defence Forces will continue the commissioned utilisation of this highly accurate and reliable Finnish-made assault rifle on the dismounted infantry front line well into the 2030s. By the same token, this also enables fielding optical sights and modern accessories relating to advancing night-vision combat capability in particular, Inspector of Infantry, Colonel Rainer Peltoniemi points out.

This assault rifle modernisation is carried out in conjunction with the ongoing combatant project in-progress relating to overall improvement of soldiers’ firepower, protection, mobility and sustained situational awareness.

Altogether, the assault rifle modernisation costs will amount to approximately 12.6 million Euros with the share of the domestic added value at 80 percent of the total value of the procurement acquisition project and the employment impact equaling circa 50 person years’ worth of nationally conducted work.


Utilisation: Modified basic firearm of a soldier, utilised by first-line troops


Gas-operated, rotating-bolt firearm capable of semi-automatic or full-automatic fire
Iron sights for day-vision use
Mounts for accessories such as an optical sight, a light amplifier, an image intensifier, and a tactical light

Telescopic adjusting stock (shoulder rest)
Renewed fire selector
Optical sight mount
Adapter for mounting accessories
New tactical sling


Optimised version for combat in built-up areas
Telescopic adjusting stock (shoulder rest)
Renewed fire selector
Optical sight mount
Fore-end hand guard for mounting accessories
Flash suppressor that allows for mounting a breach muzzle brake and a silencer. The breach muzzle brake enables breaking, for instance, concrete steel by firing
New tactical sling
Accessories include, among others, a fore-end pistol grip


As above in version M2
Testing coating in green
Equipped with a silencer and a breach muzzle brake
Technical specifications

Calibre: 7.62 x 39 mm
Length: stock fully extended 95cm, stock short 86.5 cm
Weight: without magazine inserted 4.1 kg, magazine fully loaded 0.8 kg (30 rds)
Rate of fire, semi-automatic: from 20 to 30 aimed shots per minute
Rate of fire, full-automatic: theoretical 700 rds/min, including magazine changes 120–180 rds/min
Bullet muzzle velocity: 715 m/s
Effective firing range: up to 300 m
Country of Manufacture: Finland, Sako/Valmet
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2185 em: Maio 11, 2019, 10:22:32 pm »
Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Cabeça de Martelo


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2186 em: Junho 01, 2019, 05:16:53 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2187 em: Junho 12, 2019, 11:58:35 am »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2188 em: Outubro 29, 2019, 12:34:07 pm »
General Dynamics RM277 – Next Generation Squad Weapon

Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) program.

The RM277 is a bullpup carbine chambering what is called .277 TVCM, a True Velocity-designed 6.8mm cartridge with a polymer case for weight savings.

Details are scant on how the gun works right now, but they have said it is gas/recoil operated. We assume that means gas-assisted short recoil (the barrel moves slightly while shooting) but this isn’t official yet.

We estimate the RM277 to be about 770mm (30.3″) long with the suppressor affixed. This is not an official figure. We estimate this going off of the M-LOK holes.

Their Flow-Through Suppressor was heavily featured in its debut video to keep it below US Army sound requirements for the program. It uses M-LOK attachment points and a picatinny rail up to.

The ELCAN SpectreDR 1-4x is featured on this graphic as it was one of the optics featured in its debut video, but there were several optics featured.

It has ambidextrous fire controls, side switchable charging handle, and presumably the capability to switch the side of ejection for lefties. There is an ejection port sized hole with a covering on the other side, so this is a safe bet. The magazine catch appears to be in front of the magazine on the mag well.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Armas de Fogo Ligeiras e seus Acessórios
« Responder #2189 em: Novembro 16, 2019, 12:14:27 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.